A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a system that helps facilitate secure communications through the use of digital certificates. InfoConnect supports the use of a PKI for both host and user authentication.
Like public key authentication, certificate authentication uses public/private key pairs to verify the host identity. However, with certificate authentication, public keys are contained within digital certificates An integral part of a PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). Digital certificates (also called X.509 certificates) are issued by a certificate authority (CA), which ensures the validity of the information in the certificate. Each certificate contains identifying information about the certificate owner, a copy of the certificate owner's public key (used for encrypting and decrypting messages and digital signatures), and a digital signature (generated by the CA based on the certificate contents). The digital signature is used by a recipient to verify that the certificate has not been tampered with and can be trusted. , and in this case, two key pairs are used. For example, for server authentication, the host holds one private key and the CA holds a second. The host obtains a certificate from the CA. This certificate contains identifying information about the host, a copy of the host public key, and a digital signature Used to confirm the authenticity and integrity of a transmitted message. Typically, the sender holds the private key of a public/private key pair and the recipient holds the public key. To create the signature, the sender computes a hash from the message, and then encrypts this value with its private key. The recipient decrypts the signature using the sender's public key, and independently computes the hash of the received message. If the decrypted and calculated values match, the recipient trusts that the sender holds the private key, and that the message has not been altered in transit. created using the CA's private key. This certificate is sent to the client during the authentication process. To verify the integrity of the information coming from the host, the client must have a copy of the CA's public key, which is contained in the CA root certificate. There is no need for the client to have a copy of the host public key.
Certificate authentication solves some of the problems presented by public key authentication. For example, for host public key authentication, the system administrator must either distribute host keys for every server to each client's known hosts store, or count on client users to confirm the host identity correctly when they connect to an unknown host. When certificates are used for host authentication, a single CA root certificate can be used to authenticate multiple hosts. In many cases the required certificate is already available in the Windows certificate store.
Similarly, when public keys are used for client authentication, each client public key must be uploaded to the server and the server must be configured to recognize that key. When certificate authentication is used, a single CA root certificate can be used to authenticate multiple client users.
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