12.2.3 PTR Route Wizard - Printer Queue Path

If existing paths are available, the wizard displays this list. Select a path in the list to view its description, if any. If Use an Existing Path is selected, the selected path will be used by this PTR route.

Connection Type

The communication path between PTR and an output device, such as a printer or file. The available options depend on the selections you made earlier under Device Type.

Serial Printer Options (PTR_COM)

If you select a serially connected printer, you will see a page for configuring Port, Baud rate, Character size, Parity, Stop bits, and Flow control. The Flow Control options are:

CTS (Clear To Send)

Hardware flow control that manipulates the voltage on specific pins on the serial connector to send signals to start and stop sending data.

DSR (Data Set Ready)

Hardware flow control similar to CTS flow control.


Software flow control. Pauses (XOFF) when the buffer fills, and then sends a signal (XON) to the host when ready to receive more data.

Parallel Printer options (PTR_LPT)

Select the port to which your printer is connected. The value is one of LPT1-LPT4 for parallel ports.

PTRSpooler options (PTRSpooler)


Select this option to send data to a printer.


Select this option to send data to a file.

Print Format


If you select None, the print job is sent to the printer without interpretation. Use this value if the host data is preformatted for your printer, as it is with most PTR User API applications.


CR Advances Paper

A carriage return both moves the print head to the beginning of the line and advances the paper.


LF Returns Carriage

A line feed both moves the print head to the beginning of the line and advances the paper.


Independent CR and LF

A line feed advances the paper but does not move the print head from its current position.

If existing paths are available for the specified host type, the wizard displays this list. Select Use an Existing Path to select one of the existing paths.