To set up InfoConnect to protect sensitive data, you’ll need to configure the following options in the Information Privacy Dialog Box:
Under Primary account (PAN) Number Redaction Rules, choose Enable Redaction and then select options for displaying redacted data. If you want to prevent PAN data from being saved in an external file, end user messaging devices, or any component that saves screen data, such as the Recent Typing feature, select Do not store typed PANs.
NOTE:Redact display data and Redact data while typing options for both privacy filters and PAN detection currently apply only to IBM emulation sessions. They are not currently implemented for other terminal types.
Set up Primary Account Number (PAN) Detection Rules. You will need to choose a redaction method and configure it as shown in Setting up Redaction of Primary Account Numbers.
If you want to use Privacy Filters, you will need to configure the Privacy Filters Redaction Rules and then create a simple or regular expression for the filter as shown in Setting up Privacy Filters.
Under PCI DSS Rules, set up requirements for secure connections. You can require secure connections for all network connections or for wireless only. (See Set Up Information Privacy Dialog Box in the InfoConnect Desktop Help.)
If you want to log access to credit card data, select Enable API events when PANs are viewed by the user. Then follow the instructions in the NET API Guide or the VBA Guide for an example of how to handle an event to log access to cardholder data.
To “lock down” these settings, see “Lock Down” InfoConnect To Restrict Access to Controls.