
When the connector is configured to collect data from SharePoint Online, it makes a request to Microsoft Online ( to determine if the SharePoint Online instance uses federated authentication. If the SharePoint Online instance uses federated authentication, the response from Microsoft Online can contain up to two authentication endpoints that can be used by the connector to authenticate with SharePoint Online. These are at the following locations in the XML response:

  • /RealmInfo/AuthURL - This endpoint is used by default. The connector uses https://AuthURL host/adfs/services/trust/2005/usernamemixed/ as the ADFS proxy to authenticate with SharePoint Online.
  • /RealmInfo/STSAuthURL - To use this endpoint as the ADFS proxy to authenticate with SharePoint Online, set this parameter to true. Use this option when the default endpoint is not available.

A common indicator that this parameter needs to be set is the following error appearing in the connector logs: “Sign in failed using corporate credentials: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found”.

Type: Boolean
Default: False
Required: No
Configuration Section: TaskName or Fetchtasks
Example: SharepointOnlineFederatedAuthUseSTSUrl=TRUE
See Also: