
A prefix to apply to relative or inline (constructed) link URLs in the document. Use this prefix to direct the links to your viewing client application.

By default, when the View component returns a file that contains a subdocument, such as an image, it replaces the link to the subdocument with a root-relative path that defines a View component action to find and return the image URLs. This option works in the majority of cases.

You might need to set URLPrefix if you use a reverse proxy that maps a path other than the root to the View component (for example, if you need to prefix all your links with http://myproxy.com/view/).

You might also need to set URLPrefix if the default links do not work, and the absolute links generated after you set UseAbsoluteURLDefaults configuration parameter to True do not work either. Here you can use URLPrefix to point to the View component by host name, or to point to a Web server to serve up the links.

When you specify a URL prefix, IDOL View Component replaces all links to subdocuments with this prefix and a LinkSpec.

To view a subdocument, use the GetLink action, and pass the link to the subdocument in the LinkSpec parameter. For example:


You can specify a default value for UrlPrefix in the DefaultURLPrefix configuration parameter. If you do not set UrlPrefix or DefaultURLPrefix, View uses a root-relative GetLink action, for example /action=getlink&noaci=true&links=links&linkspec= (links is the value of the Links parameter in the original View action).

If UrlPrefix points to a Web server, IDOL View Component uses the Web server to serve up links. For example:


NOTE: By default, IDOL View Component does not add the specified UrlPrefix to absolute links (full URLs). To edit these links, use the AbsoluteLinkPrefix configuration parameter.

NOTE: You can also use EmbedImages to base64 encode any images in the converted documents and include the data in the response, rather than using links.

Actions: GetLink
Type: String
Default: DefaultURLPrefix
Example: URLPrefix=http://myview:8080/action=GetLink&NoACI=True&LinkSpec=
See Also: EmbedImages
AbsoluteLinkPrefix configuration parameter
DefaultURLPrefix configuration parameter
RedirectAbsoluteLinks configuration parameter