DataEncryption Configuration Parameters

The data encryption section contains settings that determines how IDOL Content Component encrypts your data.

IDOL Content Component uses 256-bit AES encryption. You turn on data encryption by setting AESKeyFile to the location of an AES key file.

When you enable encryption, the IDOL Content component encrypts:

  • document data in the index.
  • temporary data in the on-disk index cache.
  • value mapping files used by the parametric, match, and security indexes.
  • the term dictionary.
  • the unstemmed term tree.
  • the geospatial index.
  • any data sent with index actions that is stored in your index queue before processing.
  • stored state tokens that are generated when users run queries with StoreState=True (if StoredStateField has been set so that document references are used instead of document IDs).

You can determine the encryption status of your index by using the GetStatus action.