
An operation to perform on document fields to create a new metafield, which you can use in your query for further processing. To create a user metafield, set this parameter to an operation in the following format:



OPERATION is the operation that you want to perform on the contents of the specified fields in your documents.
UserFieldName is the name of the user metafield that you want to create.
DocumentFieldName is the name of the fields in your documents that you want to run the specified operation on. To specify multiple fields, separate the field names with colons (:) (there must be no space before or after a colon).

You can optionally use a constant in the UserMetaFields definition, in the following form:


The constants can be positive or negative, and they can include decimals (for example, 1.23) and scientific notation (for example, 1E2). The meaning of the constants depends on the operation that you use.

NOTE: IDOL Content Component uses the constant only if the DocumentFieldName contains values. For example, for the operation MIN{MINSCORE,10}:SCORE, IDOL Content Component does not create a MINSCORE user metafield if the SCORE field is missing for a document.

You can perform the following operations on document fields. 

Operation Description Constant
ADD The sum of all the values in the specified fields. The initial value to add the field values to.
SUB The value of the first field name (or the sum of the values in all instances of the first field name), minus the values of the remaining fields. An additional value to subtract.
MUL The product of all the values in the specified fields. The initial value to multiple the field values by.
DIV The value of the first field name (or the product of the non-zero values in all instances of the first field name), divided by the non-zero values from the remaining fields. An additional value to divide by. If the constant value is 0, the constant is ignored.
MIN The smallest value in the specified fields. An initial value to include in the minimum calculation.
MAX The highest value in the specified fields. An initial value to include in the maximum calculation.
MEAN The mean of the values in the specified fields. No effect.
COUNT The number of numeric values in the specified fields (it does not count any non-numeric values). No effect.
COUNTA  The number of non-empty occurrences of the specified field, regardless of their value. No effect.
ABS The absolute value of the value in the specified field (that is, removing any negative sign). No effect.
ROUND The nearest integer to the value in the specified field, or the nearest multiple of the specified constant. The accuracy to round to. For example, 0.01 rounds to two decimal places.
FLOOR The nearest integer that is lower than the value in the specified field, or the nearest multiple of the specified constant lower than the value. The accuracy to round down to. For example, 0.01 rounds to two decimal places.
LOG The log (to the base of the specified constant) of the value of the first instance in a document of the specified field. The constant is required for this function. The base of the log.
POW The value of the first instance in a document of the specified field, raised to the power of the specified constant. The constant is required for this function. The power to use.

NOTE: The ABS, ROUND, FLOORLOG, and POW operations act on a single value for each document. Micro Focus recommends that you use these operations on fields that have only a single value, or the output of other user metafield operations. If you apply these operations to a field with multiple values, it returns the result of the operation on the first field value, which might depend on your configuration.

You can also use the following distance operations. In this case, you must specify two constants and two field names that contain the location information.

Operation Description Constant
DISTSPHERICAL The distance in kilometers between the location specified by the constants, and the location specified by the document fields, in latitude and longitude. You can specify the location fields as two fields in the form :LAT_FIELD:LONG_FIELD, or a single field that contains Well-known text format POINT definitions. The latitude and longitude of the location you want to calculate distances from. Specify these values as lat,long.
DISTCARTESIAN The distance between the point specified by the constants, and the point specified by the document fields, in cartesian coordinates. You can specify the location fields as two fields in the form :X_FIELD:Y_FIELD, or a single field that contains Well-known text format POINT definitions. The X and Y coordinate of the point that you want to calculate distances from. Specify these values as X,Y.

NOTE: The DISTSPHERICAL and DISTCARTESIAN operations act on a single pair of values for each document (one value for each coordinate). Micro Focus recommends that you use these operations on fields that have only a single value, or the output of other user metafield operations. If you apply these operations to a field with multiple values, it returns the result of the operation on the first field value, which might depend on your configuration.

If both of your coordinate fields are configured as NumericType, Micro Focus recommends that you set XMLFullStructure to True in your configuration. With this additional configuration, distance-based metafields always produce results consistent with distance-based sorting when there are multiple values.

To specify multiple operations, separate the operations with a plus (+) or a space.

IDOL Content Component does not permanently store the values for user metafields, but you can use the results in the Sort, FieldText, and PrintFields parameters of your query, or in the FieldName parameter for the GetQueryTagValues action. For example, you might create a metafield TOTAL, which is the sum of one or more PRICE fields in your document. You can then sort the query results by the value of the TOTAL field. If you use a metafield for GetQueryTagValues, the fields that you use to create the metafield do not have to be parametric. You can also use UserMetaFields as a parameter in the AgentParamsField for an AgentBoolean query.

You can apply UserMetaFields operations to other user metafields created in the same query. For example, you might use an operation to create one field, and then use that field in a second operation. You must create a metafield before you reference it in another operation (that is, the operation to create the field must appear to the left of the operation that uses it in the UserMetaFields parameter).

When you use your metafield in another operation, the field name has the format autn_user_UserFieldName, where UserFieldName is the value that you specified in the UserMetaField parameter.

NOTE: UserMetaFields operations are more efficient when you use them on fields that are configured as NumericType, except for the COUNTA operation, which is more efficient on fields that are configured as CountType or MatchType.

Actions: Query
Type: String
In this example, IDOL Content Component adds the values of the PRICE and TAX fields, and creates a new autn_user_TOTAL field, which you can use in the Sort and FieldText parameters. It also takes the minimum value of the REVIEWSCORE fields in each document, and creates an autn_user_LOWSCORE field.

In this example, IDOL Content Component multiplies the value of the PRICE field by 0.2 to create a new autn_user_VAT field. It then adds the value of the new autn_user_VAT field to the original PRICE field to calculate the value of the autn_user_TOTALPRICE field.
See Also: Sort