NOTE: This parameter description applies only to the Suggest action.
The IDs of one or more state tokens (created earlier by using the StoreState parameter) that list the documents for which you want to suggest conceptually similar documents. Separate multiple IDs with commas. There must be no space before or after a comma.
If you specify the token ID only, suggestions are based on all documents listed in the token. If you add a (zero-based) index range, or individual numbers separated by plus symbols (+), in square brackets after the token ID, IDOL Content Component considers only that range or set of documents.
NOTE: When you specify documents or document ranges, you must list the entries in increasing numerical order.
Actions: | Suggest |
Type: | String |
Default: | |
Example: | Return the content of all the documents listed in the state token B8UGIK95FKJG-23 :StateID=B8UGIK95FKJG-23 Return the content of the first twelve documents, plus the fourteenth and sixteenth documents, listed in the state token B8UGIK95FKJG-23 :StateID=B8UGIK95FKJG-23[0-11+13+15] |
See Also: | StoreState |