
Set FieldRecurse to True to return the chain of values in the ReferenceMemoryMappedType fields for a document. IDOL Content Component generates these values by following the field values recursively until it reaches a field that has no value, and returns the values in a <autn:fieldrecurse> tag. For example:


In this example, <autn:fieldcode> is the fieldcode of the ReferenceMemoryMappedType field. The first <autn:value> is the value of the ReferenceMemoryMappedType field in the result document. The second <autn:value> is the value of the ReferenceMemoryMappedType field in the document whose reference is the first value (ref312). The third <autn:value> is the value of the ReferenceMemoryMappedType field in the document whose reference is the second value (ref245), and so on.

Actions: GetContent
Type: Boolean
Default: False
Example: FieldRecurse=True
See Also: