
Returns the closest nodes to a specified set of input nodes, and all edges between the set of nodes. This action allows you to create a subgraph around a set of input nodes, and all nodes within a specified distance of those input nodes. This action can help you to get a picture of what the graph is like around the nodes that you are interested in, and can be useful for visualizations.

You must set one of NodeNames and NodeIDs to specify the nodes that you want to start from. These nodes do not need to be connected to each other.

You can specify the number of nodes to return by setting MaxResults or MaxDistance.

  • MaxResults specifies the number of nodes to return, in addition to the input nodes.
  • MaxDistance specifies the maximum distance that a node can have from one of the input nodes to return. That is, a node must be within this distance of at least one of your input nodes to return as a result node. You can use Method to specify how to calculate the distance between nodes.

If you set both MaxResults and MaxDistance, the action uses whichever value gives the smallest number of result nodes.

For the GetNeighborhood action, the distance between two nodes does not consider the direction of any edges. For example, if you specify node1, which has an edge of length 2 pointing to it from node2, the action gives node2 a distance of 2, even though there is no direct route from node1 to node2.


This action returns up to 20 nodes that are closest to the nodes and in the graph.


Parameter Description Required
MaxDistance The maximum distance from the specified start nodes that a node can have to return as a result.  
MaxResults The maximum number of neighboring nodes to return.  
Method The method to use to determine the distance between nodes. Yes
NodeNames The names of the nodes that you want to use as the starting point for the neighborhood. See Comments.
NodeIDs The IDs of the nodes that you want to use as the starting point for the neighborhood. See Comments.


You must set one of NodeNames and NodeIDs to specify the nodes that you want to start from.