
The page of the document to view. You can use this parameter only when you are using a KeyView template with pagination.

Set Page to a positive integer to view that page of the document. Page 0 is the contents page, which contains a link to all pages of the current document in a frame on the left. The first page of the document displays in a second frame on the right.

To enable pagination, you must set bPutBlocksInSeparateFiles to True in the [KVHTMLTEMPLATEEX] section of your KeyView template file. You must also set szXStartBlock to XBLOCK in the [KVHTMLTEMPLATEEX] section, to prevent the table of contents from displaying as an extra page.

The total number of pages is displayed in the XML response (when you set NoACI to False), or as a custom HTTP header (when you set NoACI to True).

Actions: GetLink
Type: Integer
Default: 0
Example: Page=2
See Also: NoACI