33.4 Recommended Order of Import

When you are importing, you might choose to import respective functional area settings and definitions or might need to work with a Bootstrap, Global, or Customer administrator to import all settings and definitions. In any case, being aware of your data relationships and planning your imports can save you time and prevent errors. For example, to avoid error conditions and text with strikeouts, you must import identities before importing global authorizations.

The ability to import and export varies according to your authorization. To check who is authorized to export and import, see Section 33.6, Exporting and Importing Quick Reference.

Note that you might not always need to import all exported files. For example, if you did not add a custom attribute or modify a default attribute, you need not import the respective attribute file.

As a best practice, we recommend that you import data in the following order and adjust your import plan based on your governance needs and environment.

Log in as a Bootstrap administrator:

  1. Select Data Administration > Identity Attributes, then import identity attributes.

  2. Import account, permission, group, business role, application, and permission assignment attributes.

  3. Select Data Source > Identities, then import identity data sources. For each source, test the connection, then test collection for 10 users. When successful, perform a full collection, then publish.

  4. Select Data Source > Application, then import application data sources starting with IDM AE Permission collector. For each source, test the connection, then test collection for 10 users. When successful, perform a full collection, then publish.

  5. Select Configuration > Authorization Assignments, then import the authorization assignments.

  6. Select Configuration > General Settings, then add the URL to Identity Reporting or import the settings.

  7. Select Fulfillment > Configuration, and on the Fulfillment Targets tab, edit the Manual fulfiller and set a User or Group. Save your changes.

  8. Import any previously exported Fulfillment targets and add the necessary passwords.

  9. Select Fulfillment > Configuration, and on the Application Setup tab, update the application Sources to utilize the necessary Fulfillment Targets.

After successful collection and publication of application sources, log in as a Global or any other authorized administrator, import in the following order:

  1. Select Policy > Coverage Maps, then import coverage maps.

  2. Select Policy > Delegation, then import delegation mappings.

  3. Select Policy > Risk, then import Risk settings.

  4. Select Catalog > Roles, then import technical roles. Review and fix any items that have strikethroughs, and activate roles as needed.

  5. Select Policy > Business Roles, then import business roles. Review and fix any items that have strikethroughs, and publish business roles as needed.

  6. Select Policy > SoDs, then import SoDs. Review and fix any items that have a red strikethrough. Activate the necessary SoDs.

  7. Select Policy > Inconsistency Resolution, then import auto-resolution policies.

  8. Select Reviews > Definitions, then import review definitions. Review and fix any items such as permissions, accounts, and review owners that have red strikethroughs.

  9. Select Policy > Certifications, then import.

  10. Select Data Administration > Policies and Controls, then import data policies.

  11. Select Policy > Access Request Policies, then import request policies and request approval policies. Review and fix any items that have strikethroughs, and activate policies as needed.

  12. Select Catalog > Permissions, then select a permission and import custom forms.

  13. (Conditional) If you had exported schedules, import schedules. If not, recreate them.

  14. Import any other items that were exported, such as dashboards and insight queries.

  15. Select Configuration, then import advanced Settings and logging levels or change them as needed.