6.11 Understanding Data Cleanup and Archiving

Identity Governance enables authorized system administrators to perform archiving and cleanup using the Database Maintenance menu. It is essential that you have an effective data cleanup, archiving, and maintenance strategy. Effectively managed cleanup can reduce the volume of data that needs to be archived or backed up. You also must consider dependencies before purging your data. For example, you must consider active instances before snapshots when determining which data to retain and which to purge.

You must cleanup your operations database (by default, igops) on a regular basis for efficient performance of your system. Identity Governance archive database (by default, igarc) is meant for historical and analytical purposes. It is not intended for disaster recovery and is recommended for use only in development environments. Data restoration should primarily rely on external archive database copies created by the DBA on a regular basis (typically, every week).

We recommend that you do the following to improve performance and reduce data administration costs:

  • Create an external archive destination in your stage and production enviorments. This will allow for yearly rotation and free up space when maintenance occurs.

  • Create a maintenance schedule to automate cleanup.

  • Rotate your archive. When creating a new archive, make sure to change the archive name. Otherwise, all previously archived data will be deleted.

Adjust your data archiving and maintenance schedule based on your system environment. When you fail to archive and cleanup as needed, your data will require additional resources and maintenance.

For more information about the Identity Governance maintenance, cleanup types, and archiving see Section 13.0, Database Maintenance.