25.3 Improving Performance in Large Scale Reviews

Based on your data, reviews can take significant time and effort and occasionally may need to be terminated and restarted. To improve performance, administrators can either temporarily disable review statistics calculations or enable materialized view. Both of these options should be used with caution.

Disabling review statistics calculations

Use the Configuration Utility console mode setting iac.update.stats.review.disabled to disable review statistics calculations. If you choose to disable review statistics calculations, you will need to enable it again using the Identity Governance Configuration Utility.

Using materialized view/specialized tables

A materialized view is a snapshot of an instance of time which is used to optimize performance in large scale reviews. Materialized views are supported in Postgres and Oracle environments. When this view is enabled, you can cache user, account, permission, and role names to improve rendering time of review items by selecting Monitor Reviews > Cache review item names in a review definition. In MSSQL environment similar capabilities are implemented using specialized tables.

Use the Configuration Utility console mode setting add-property GLOBAL iac.review.display.materializedViews.enabled true to enable materialized view. In addition, in Oracle environment, assign the GRANT CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW TO IGOPS; rights to the operations database (igops) and optionally specify tablespace. Use the command add-property GLOBAL iac.materializedViews.oracleTableSpace Tablespace (example, add-property GLOBAL iac.materializedViews.oracleTableSpace USERS) to specify the tablespace in which the materialized view is to be created. If you omit this clause, then Oracle database creates the materialized view in the default tablespace of the schema containing the materialized view. Only use this setting if the Oracle default is not sufficient, in most cases it is.

NOTE:If the materialized view is not initially enabled using the Configuration Utility, Cache review item names check box will not be displayed. For small scale reviews, caching of review item names is not recommended.

Once materialized view is enabled, the search and sort features will use the values at the time the materialized view was either created or last refreshed. As by definition, a materialized view is a snapshot, the data can become stale and out of sync with the catalog, and your search might not yield accurate results. You can refresh the snapshot data at any time by selecting More to expand review instance header, and then clicking Refresh. Also, you can Enable or Disable the caching of review item names for that review instance.