8.9 Understanding Change Event Processing

After you create your application source and perform a full collection and publication, you can apply only the changes that happened in any Application or Application Definition data sources since your last publication. You can apply the changes any number of times and as frequently as you want, but a full collection must always be followed by a full publication.

Always monitor processing times, system memory usage, and database growth and evaluate if full collection or applying changes will be the best option for your environment.

When you apply changes, Identity Governance collects the latest raw data and compares the data with the previously collected raw data. Identity Governance then publishes only what has changed. This saves space in the database because Identity Governance updates the current snapshot with only the changes. However, note that the overall applying changes process might take longer time than a full collection and publication.

IMPORTANT:Applying changes is not intended to handle large-scale changes to the source directory, such as changes to the user population resulting from mergers or spin-offs, major changes to group memberships, or major reorganizations of any kind. In such cases, we recommend a full collection and publication.

Note that Identity Governance will not allow you to apply changes in the following scenarios:

  • When you collect data for a full publication but do not publish

  • When you add a new collector to an existing application source

  • When you have one or more collectors disabled during a collection, or a collection could not collect from all the collectors.

When you apply changes, Identity Governance goes through two phases: collects the raw data, and then processes the change events that were detected as a result of the collection. You can cancel applying changes regardless of the phase it is in, but if you cancel before the changes are applied you will not be able to perform a full publication after cancellation. You have to either perform a new collection, or complete the apply changes action. You can resume to apply the changes.

NOTE:In an application you can collect, publish, or apply changes at any time.

Once the changes are applied, click the Show All Collect and Publish Productions link to view the collection and publication details. You can see the steps of that publication as well as the number of entities that were added, modified, or deleted at each step. If you want the publication to save detailed information about the changes that were made so that you can review the changes later or see exactly what has happened, a Global, or a Bootstrap Administrator must first enable these global properties:


When set to true, Identity Governance save events that added entities, or relationships between entities. You can see details of new entities and relationships that were created.


When set to true, Identity Governance save events that modified entities, or relationships between entities. You can see what the entities or relationships looked like before and after they were modified.


When set to true, Identity Governance save events that deleted entities, or relationships between entities. You can see details of entities or relationships that were deleted.