14.3 Monitoring Fulfillment Status

The fulfillment status list allows you to view the status of fulfillment requests by category, such as fulfillment items that:

  • Ended in error or timeout conditions

  • Are pending fulfillment

  • Were verified

  • Were ignored

The fulfillment status area also allows you to retry, or resubmit, fulfillment items that did not succeed.

To monitor fulfillment status:

  1. Log in to Identity Governance as a Global or Fulfillment administrator.

  2. Select Fulfillment > Status.

  3. Select status categories you want to review.

  4. (Optional) Select again any status categories you want to remove from the list.

  5. (Optional) Select any fulfillment items that did not complete successfully, and then select Retry to resubmit them to the appropriate fulfiller.

14.3.1 Understanding Fulfillment Status

The following details on fulfillment status conditions can help with troubleshooting fulfillment in your environment. A change item has 11 possible status conditions, listed below in the associated status column. The general status column shows the broad status categories that Identity Governance displays to users. The table includes details on each status and what actions, if any, you can take to move an item to a different status. No user action is required for some status conditions, either because they are intermediate states or terminal states.

General Status


Associated Status

Entry Conditions

Exit Conditions

Error or timeout

Provisioning was marked as complete, but the status after a collect and publish cycle shows the item as not fulfilled.

Not fulfilled, verification error (NOT_VERIFIED)

Change item marked as fulfilled but updated catalog shows that status to be incorrect. This can be valid when fulfillment target is an asynchronous process, such as Service Now. When Service Now opens a ticket, Identity Governance marks the change request item complete. However, the help desk might not have completed the update to the associated application.

Examine the change item and take one of the following actions:

  • If the fulfillment target is an asynchronous task, such as Service Now, ensure the help desk has fulfilled the item and then run another collect and publish cycle.

  • If possible, fulfill the item and then run a collect and publish cycle.

  • If not possible to fulfill the item, mark the item as Ignore.

Fulfiller has marked item as Declined.

Declined by (REFUSED)

Manual fulfiller has marked and submitted item as Declined.

Mark the item as Ignore.


Change item was marked as being in error.

Not fulfilled, verification error (ERROR)

This status will not be reached by normal operation of the system. It is a transitory state on the way to automatic retry in case there was an error detected during fulfillment. However, an API endpoint can set the status to ERROR, so an external system might have caused the item to have this status.

Intermediate status; no action needed.


Change item has not been successfully verified at the end of verification expiration timeout.

Not fulfilled, verification timed out (VERIFICATION_ TIMEOUT)

If Identity Governance is set up to monitor verification timeouts and the change item has not been verified within that time, it moves to this status. By default, this value is set to 365 days.

Mark the item as Ignore.


Fulfillment is reported as complete.

Fulfilled, pending verification (COMPLETED)

Identity Governance has received communication that fulfillment has completed. This status might not mean the item is fulfilled. If the fulfillment target is an asynchronous process, such as Service Now, the status changes to completed when the asynchronous process opens a ticket, not when the tasks in the ticket have been fulfilled.

After the next collect and publish cycle, Identity Governance verifies the item target matches the change item. If so, the item status changes to Verified. If not, the item status changes to Error.

Pending fulfillment

Fulfillment is in progress.


Change request item has been created.

Intermediate status; no action needed.


Fulfillment has been initiated.

Pending fulfillment by, Sending for fulfillment by external workflow (PENDING)

Identity Governance successfully communicates with provisioning workflow or adds change items to manual fulfiller queue.

Change item is acted on by either an automated fulfillment system or a manual fulfiller. If fulfiller marks item as fulfilled, the item status changes to Fulfilled (COMPLETED). If the fulfiller marks the item as refused, the item status changes to Error (REFUSED).


Catalog shows item has been fulfilled.

Verified (VERIFIED)

Identity Governance verifies changes in catalog.

Terminal status; no action needed.


Fulfiller or review owner has ignored closed-loop verification.

Verification ignored (VERIFICATION_ IGNORED)

Fulfiller or review owner has selected Ignore for a change item that was in error or timeout status.

Terminal status; no action needed.


The change item has had an error during fulfillment and is waiting for administrator action.


An error is detected during fulfillment.

Customer, Global, or Fulfillment Administrator selects Retry or Terminate for the item on the Fulfillment Requests page.