20.1 Tomcat Logging

You can configure Tomcat for logging in a cluster. To enable logging for clusters, you need to edit the workflow_logging.xml configuration file, located in the /conf directory for the Tomcat server configuration (for example, tomcat/conf folder), and uncomment the following section at the end of the file:

<!--  Workflow_logging.xml
- <!-- 
 Uncomment the following to redirect the org.jgroups and
<!-- CEF appender -->

 <appender class="com.netiq.idm.logging.syslog.CEFSyslogAppender" name="WFCEF">
<param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/>
<param name="Facility" value="user"/>
<param name="SyslogHost" value="${com.netiq.ism.audit.cef.host:localhost}" />
<param name="SyslogPort" value="${com.netiq.ism.audit.cef.port:1468}" />
<param name="SyslogProtocol" value="${com.netiq.ism.audit.cef.protocol:tcp}" />
<param name="SyslogSslKeystoreFile" value="${com.netiq.idm.audit.cef.tls-keystore:/opt/netiq/idm/apps/jre/lib/security/cacerts}" />
<param name="SyslogSslKeystorePassword" value="${com.netiq.idm.audit.cef.tls-keystore-password:KeystorePassword}" />
<param name="CacheDir" value="${com.netiq.ism.audit.cef.cache-file-dir:/opt/netiq/idm/apps}" />
<param name="CacheRolloverSize" value="2"/>
<param name="ApplicationName" value="WORKFLOW"/>
<param name="EventPrefix" value="IDM:"/>

Logger definitions

Additivity of true means the loggers defined below will inherit the appenders.
<logger name="workflow.log" level="INFO" additivity="true">
<!-- remove this line to turn on CEF Audit
<appender-ref ref="WFCEF"/>
remove this line to turn on CEF Audit -->
<logger name="com.novell" level="INFO" additivity="true">
<!-- remove this line to turn on CEF Audit
<appender-ref ref="WFCEF"/>
remove this line to turn on CEF Audit -->
<logger name="com.netiq" level="INFO" additivity="true">
<!-- remove this line to turn on CEF Audit
<appender-ref ref="WFCEF"/>
remove this line to turn on CEF Audit -->
<logger name="com.sssw" level="INFO" additivity="true">
<!-- remove this line to turn on CEF Audit
<appender-ref ref="WFCEF"/>
remove this line to turn on CEF Audit -->
<logger name="com.microfocus" level="INFO" additivity="true">
<!-- remove this line to turn on CEF Audit
<appender-ref ref="WFCEF"/>
remove this line to turn on CEF Audit -->

You can find the cluster.log file in the log directory for the Tomcat server configuration (for example, tomcat/log).