When you have access to the Notification Templates page you can perform certain activities such as searching, sorting, and customizing columns.
The templates are listed by creation date, with the latest template listed first. You can click the sort arrows next to the template Name column and sort the columns based on the following:
Name and creation date
Alphabetical order
Ascending or descending order
You can also set the number of rows per page for display by clicking the drop-down list.
You can search and filter specific templates. To find a specific template, you can use any one of the following options:
Enter any template name in the search box.
Click Filter and select the notification state from the drop-down list:
Published templates: Displays templates that are published in the database
Published templates with draft changes: Displays published templates but with additional changes on the templates that are not published
Not published: Displays templates that are not published
You can combine the simple search with the filter option to obtain more refined search results. For example, if you are searching for a template that is published with the word “request” in the title, type request in the search box and click Filter. On the pop-up window, specify the state as Published, then click FILTER.
To search for a template specific to a language, click the Default drop-down list.
To customize columns:
Click Catalog > Notification Templates.
Click Column Customization.
Select the check box next to the columns you want to display. The selected columns are added to the Notification Templates page.
HINT:To choose all columns, select the check box provided near the search field.
Click the close icon (X).
NOTE:Workflow Administration Console does not retain the customization. The next time you navigate to the Notification Templates page, the default columns are displayed. However, you can choose the default columns from the Settings page. For more information, see Column Customization Settings
The import option on the Notification Templates page allows you to import templates from a single file, and the export option allows to export templates to a single file. For example, when you want to use a set of templates from another system and do not want to create a new template, you can use the import function.
To import templates:
Click Catalog > Notification Templates.
Click Import Templates.
Choose the file you want to import.
Click SAVE or PUBLISH to save the data in the database.
NOTE:When you publish, the templates are ready to be attached to an workflow activity.
If there are localized versions of the template available for import, then those templates are also imported with the default template.
To export templates:
Click Catalog > Notification Templates.
Click the check boxes next to the templates you wish to export.
Click Export Templates.
On the dialogue box, type a file name.
If there are localized templates available for download, then those templates are also downloaded to a single JSON file.
The Notification Templates page lists the eight system-defined templates. You can use them as-is, or edit them to change the content and format of the email messages. However, you cannot delete these templates.
The Workflow Administration Console includes the following templates:
Provisioning Reminder
Provisioning Notification
Provisioning Notification Activity
Provisioning Approval Completed Notification
Email Based Approval Success Notification
Email Based Approval Failure Notification
Email Based Approval Provisioning Notification
Email Based Approval Reminder Notification