8.1 Authentication Methods and Ordinals for IDM AE Permission Collectors and IDM Automated Fulfillment Targets

The Identity Manager AE Permission collector requires both LDAP and user application credentials. All objects including roles collected using this collector are represented as permissions in the OpenText Identity Governance catalog. Note that the Identity Manager Automated Fulfillment fulfiller also uses the same credentials.

Log in to the Cloud Bridge URL, then specify the ordinal when adding credentials.

Use the following table to understand the order and ordinal number that you need to specify for this collector.

Ordinal (Credential Position)

Authentication type

Credential Set



  • User Name used to connect to Identity Vault Server (cn=admin,ou=sa,o=system)

  • Password


User Application

  • User Name used to connect to User Application (cn=uaadmin,ou=sa,o=data)

  • Password