
Host Keyboard Mapping

The following tables provide the default keys, key name, and key description for the different host keyboard mappings.

IBM 3270 keyboard mapping

Key Maps to Description
Ctrl + F1 Attention Sends the ATTENTION key to the host
Shift + Tab Backtab Moves the cursor to the previous unprotected field
Ctrl + F2 Clear Clears the screen and sends the CLEAR key to the host
Alt + ArrowLeft Cursor left double Moves the cursor two positions to the left
Alt + ArrowRight Cursor right double Moves the cursor two positions to the right
Ctrl + F3 Cursor select Simulates a lightpen select in the current field
Alt + Delete Delete word Deletes three characters from the current field
Ctrl + 5 Duplicate Inserts the DUP character at the cursor location
Enter Enter Sends the ENTER key to the host
End Erase end of field Erases all data from the cursor location to the end of the current field
Alt + F5 Erase input Erases all data in all unprotected fields of the current screen
Ctrl + Alt + F Field delimiter Toggles whether field delimiters are displayed on screen
Ctrl + 6 Field mark Inserts the Field Mark character at the cursor location
Home Home Moves the cursor to the first unprotected field on the screen
Insert Insert Toggles Insert mode
Shift + Enter New line Moves to the next unprotected field
Ctrl + 1 PA1 Sends the PA1 key to the host
Pageup PA1 Sends the PA1 key to the host
Ctrl + 2 PA2 Sends the PA2 key to the host
Pagedown PA2 Sends the PA2 key to the host
Ctrl + 3 PA3 Sends the PA3 key to the host
F1 - F10 PF1 - PF10 Sends the PF1, PF2...PF10 key to the host
Alt + 1 or F11 PF11 Sends the PF11 key to the host
Al + 2 or F12 PF12 Sends the PF12 key to the host
Shift + F1 PF13 Sends the PF13 key to the host
Shift + F2 PF14 Sends the PF14 key to the host
Shift + F3 PF15 Sends the PF15 key to the host
Shift + F4 PF16 Sends the PF16 key to the host
Shift + F5 PF17 Sends the PF17 key to the host
Shift + F6 PF18 Sends the PF18 key to the host
Shift + F7 PF19 Sends the PF19 key to the host
Shift + F8 PF20 Sends the PF20 key to the host
Shift + F9 PF21 Sends the PF21 key to the host
Shift + F10 PF22 Sends the PF22 key to the host
Alt3 PF23 Sends the PF23 key to the host
Shift + F11 PF23 Sends the PF23 key to the host
Alt4 PF24 Sends the PF24 key to the host
Shift + F12 PF24 Sends the PF24 key to the host
Ctrl +P Print Prints the contents of the screen to the printer
Escape Reset Resets keyboard error conditions
Ctrl + S System request Sends the SYSTEM REQUEST key to the host

IBM 5250 keyboard mapping

Key Maps to Description
Escape Attention Sends the ATTENTION key to the host
Ctrl + F2 Clear Clears the screen and send the CLEAR key to the host
Ctrl + F3 Cursor select Simulates a lightpen select in the current field
Ctrl + Backspace Destructive backspace Moves the cursor one position to the left
Ctrl + 5 Duplicate Inserts the DUP character at the cursor location
Ctrl + End End of field Moves the cursor to the end of the field
End Erase end of field Erases all data from the cursor location to the end of the current field
Alt + End Erase input Erases all data in all unprotected fields of the current screen
Alt + F5 Erase input Erases all data in all unprotected fields of the current screen
Ctrl + Enter Field exit Moves the cursor out of an input field
KP + Subtract Field exit minus Moves the cursor out of a signed-numeric or numeric-only field, inserting a minus sign in the last position of a signed-numeric field, or changing the last position in a numeric-only field to an alphabetic character that tells the system that this field has a negative value.
Ctrl + Subtract Field exit minus Moves the cursor out of a signed-numeric or numeric-only field, inserting a minus sign in the last position of a signed-numeric field, or changing the last position in a numeric-only field to an alphabetic character that tells the system that this field has a negative value.
KP + Add Field exit plus In a signed-numeric field, this function moves the cursor to the next field, removing a minus sign if there is one in the last position. In a numeric-only field, this function moves the cursor to the next field, changing the last position to an alphabetic character that tells the system that this field has a positive value.
Ctrl + Add Field exit plus In a signed-numeric field, this function moves the cursor to the next field, removing a minus sign if there is one in the last position. In a numeric-only field, this function moves the cursor to the next field, changing the last position to an alphabetic character that tells the system that this field has a positive value.
Ctrl + 6 Field mark Inserts the field mark character at the cursor location
Ctrl + H Help Sends the Help key to the host
Alt + F7 Hex mode Places the terminal in Hex mode
Home Home Moves the cursor to the first unprotected field on the screen
Insert Insert Toggles Insert mode
Shift + Enter New line Moves to the next unprotected field
Ctrl + 1 PA1 Sends the PA1 key to the host
Ctrl + 2 PA2 Sends the PA2 key to the host
Ctrl + 3 PA3 Sends the PA3 key to the host
F1 - F11 PF1 - PF11 Sends the PF1, PF2....PF11 key to the host
Alt + 1 PF11 Sends the PF11 key to the host
Alt + 2 PF12 Sends the PF12 key to the host
F12 PF12 Sends the PF12 key to the host
Shift + 1 PF13 Sends the PF13 key to the host
Shift + F2...F10 PF14...PF22 Sends the PF14....PF22 key to the host
Alt + 3 PF23 Sends the PF23 key to the host
Shift + F11 PF23 Sends the PF23 key to the host
Alt + 4 PF24 Sends the PF24 key to the host
Shift + F12 PF24 Sends the PF24 key to the host
Ctrl + P Print Prints the contents of the screen to the printer
Control Reset Resets the keyboard error conditions
Pageup RollDown Sends the RollDown key to the host
Pagedown RollUp Sends the RollUp key to the host
Ctrl + Home Start of field Moves the cursor to the start of the field
Ctrl + S System request Sends the SYSTEM REQUEST key to the host

VT keyboard mapping

Key Maps to Description
Ctrl + Cancel Break Sends the Break key to the host
Ctrl + Enter Enter Sends the Enter key to the host
Alt + F1 F1 Sends the F1 key to the host
Ctrl + F1...F10 F11...F20 Sends the F11...F20 key to the host
Home Find Sends the Find key to the host
F1 Hold Sends the Hold Screen to the host
Pause Hold Sends the Hold Screen to the host
Insert Insert Sends the Insert key to the host
Ctrl + Insert Keypad 0 Sends the numeric keypad 0 key to the host
Ctrl + End Keypad 1 Sends the numeric keypad 1 key to the host
Ctrl + ArrowDown Keypad 2 Sends the numeric keypad 2 key to the host
Ctrl + Pagedown Keypad 3 Sends the numeric keypad 3 key to the host
Ctrl + ArrowLeft Keypad 4 Sends the numeric keypad 4 key to the host
Ctrl + Clear Keypad 5 Sends the numeric keypad 5 key to the host
Ctrl + ArrowRight Keypad 6 Sends the numeric keypad 6 key to the host
Ctrl + Home Keypad 7 Sends the numeric keypad 7 key to the host
Ctrl + ArrowUp Keypad 8 Sends the numeric keypad 8 key to the host
Ctrl + Pageup Keypad 9 Sends the numeric keypad 9 key to the host
Ctrl + Alt-add Keypad comma Sends the numeric keypad Comma key to the host
Ctrl + add Keypad minus Sends the numeric keypad Minus key to the host
Ctrl + decimal Keypad period Sends the numeric keypad Period key to the host
Ctrl + Delete Keypad period Sends the numeric keypad Period key to the host
Ctrl + Alt + ArrowUp Row up In the scrollback buffer moves up a row
Ctrl + Alt + ArrowDown Row down In the scrollback buffer moves down a row
Pagedown Next Sends the Next Screen key to the host
Ctrl + Pause PF1 Sends the PF1 key to the host
Ctrl + Divide PF2 Sends the PF2 key to the host
Ctrl + Multiply PF3 Sends the PF3 key to the host
Ctrl + Subtract PF4 Sends the PF4 key to the host
Pageup Previous Sends the Prev Screen key to the host
Delete Remove Sends the Remove key to the host
End Select Sends the Select key to the host
Shift + F6...F10 UDK 6...10 Sends the User Defined Key 6...10 to the host
Shift + Ctrl + F1...F10 UDK11...20 Sends the User Defined Key 11...20 to the host

UTS keyboard mapping

Key Maps to Description
F4 Clear Change Bit Sends the CLEARCHANGEBIT key to the host
Keypad+Enter Carriage Return Sends a carriage return to the host
Ctrl + PageDown Clear End of Display Clears text from the cursor location to the end of the display
Ctrl+PageUp Clear End of Display FCC Clears all data (including FCC information) from the cursor to the end of the display
Ctrl+End Clear End of Field Clears text from the cursor location to the end of the field
Ctrl+Shift+end Clear End of Line Clears text from the cursor location to the end of the row
F7 Clear FCC Clears the field control character
Ctrl+Home Clear Home Sends the CLEAR_HOME key to the host
Ctrl+H Column Separator Right Sends the COLUMN_SEP_RIGHT key to the host
Ctrl+F1 Control Page Sends the CONTROL_PAGE key to the host
Keypad+2 Cursor Down Moves the cursor one row down
Keypad+4 Cursor Left Moves the cursor one column to the left
Keypad+6 Cursor Right Moves the cursor one column to the right
Keypad+8 Cursor Up Moves the cursor one row up
Delete Delete in Line Sends the DELETE_IN_LINE key to the host
Ctrl+Delete Delete in Page Sends the DELETE_IN_PAGE key to the host
Ctrl+Shift+Delete Delete Line Deletes the row at the cursor location
Ctrl+ArrowDown Duplicate Line Duplicates the row at the cursor location
F8 Enable FCC Enables the field control character
Keypad+- End of Display and Transmit Sends the EOD_AND_TRANSMIT key to the host
Shift+End End of Field Moves the cursor to the end of the field
End End of Line Moves the cursor to the end of the row
Ctrl+ArrowRight End of Page Moves the cursor to the end of the page
Shift+Space Erase Character Erases the character at the cursor location
Ctrl+Shift+E Euro Character Sends the Euro character to the host
Ctrl+1...Ctrl+9 F1...F9 Sends the F1...F9 key to the host
Ctrl+0 F10 Sends the F10 key to the host
Ctrl+- F11 Sends the F11 key to the host
Ctrl+= F12 Sends the F12 key to the host
Ctrl+Q F13 Sends the F13 key to the host
Ctrl+W F14 Sends the F14 key to the host
Ctrl+E F15 Sends the F15 key to the host
Ctrl+R F16 Sends the F16 key to the host
Ctrl+T F17 Sends the F17 key to the host
Ctrl+Y F18 Sends the F18 key to the host
Ctrl+U F19 Sends the F19 key to the host
Ctrl+l F20 Sends the F20 key to the host
Ctrl+O F21 Sends the F21 key to the host
Ctrl+P F22 Sends the F22 key to the host
Shift+F3 FF Sends a formfeed to the host
F9 Generate FCC Generates a field control character
Home Home Moves the cursor to the first field in the display
Ctrl+Shift+Space Insert in Line Sends the INSERT_IN_LINE key to the host
ICtrl+Space Insert in Page Sends the INSERT_IN_PAGE key to the host
Ctrl+Shift+Insert Insert Line Inserts a new row into display memory
Insert Insert Mode Toggles insert character mode
F5 Locate FCC Disables the field control characters and moves to the first character of the next field to the right of the cursor
F3 Message Wait Sends the MESSAGE_WAIT key to the host
Shift+F2 New Line Moves the cursor to a new row
Keypad+Shift+2 Next Field Moves the cursor to the next field
Keypad+Shift+4 Next Field Moves the cursor to the next field
PageDown Page Down Sends the Page Down key to the host
PageUp Page Up Sends the Page Up key to the host
Keypad+Shift+6 Previous Field Moves the cursor to the previous field
Keypad+Shift+8 Previous Field Moves the cursor to the previous field
Clear SOE Character Sends the SOE character to the host
F12 SOE Character Sends the SOE character to the host
Ctrl+Clear Set Tab Sends the SET_TAB key to the host
Ctrl+Tab Set Tab Sends the SET_TAB key to the host
Shift+Home Start of Field Moves the cursor to the start of the field
Ctrl+ArrowLeft Start of Line Moves the cursor to the start of the row
Ctrl+[ System Mode Sends the SYSTEM_MODE key to the host
Ctrl+J Toggle Column Separator Toggles the column separator
Ctrl+F12 Toggle Message Wait Beep Sends the TOGGLEMSGWAITBEEP key to the host
Ctrl+L Toggle Strike Thru Toggles strike thru mode
Ctrl+K Toggle Underline Toggles underline mode
Ctrl+Enter Transmit Transmits the contents of the display to the host
ScrollLock Transmit Transmits the contents of the display to the host
Keypad++ Transmit Transmits the contents of the display to the host
Keypad+Ctrl+ Transmit Transmits the contents of the display to the host
Escape Unlock Sends the UNLOCK key to the host
Ctrl+] Workstation Mode Sends the WORKSTATION_MODE key to the host

T27 keyboard mapping

Key Maps to Description
Backspace Backspace Moves the cursor one column to the left
Shift+tab back tab Moves the cursor to the previous field
Ctrl+Delete Clear End of Line Clears text from the cursor location to the end of the row
Shift+Home Clear Page Home Clears the page and homes the cursor
Left Ctrl Control Page Puts the session in control mode
Down arrow Cursor Down Moves the cursor one row down
Left arrow Cursor Left Moves the cursor one column to the left
Right arrow Cursor Right Moves the cursor one column to the right
Up arrow Cursor Up Moves the cursor one row up
Ctrl+left arrow Cursor Word Left Moves the cursor to the previous word
Ctrl+right arrow Cursor Word Right Moves the cursor to the next word
Ctrl+D Delete Line Deletes the row at the cursor location
Ctrl+End End of Line Moves the cursor to the end of the row
End End of Page Moves the cursor to the last field on the page
Shift+Ctrl+E Euro Character Sends a Euro character to the host
Home Home Moves the cursor to the first field in the display
Insert Insert Mode Puts the session in insert mode
Ctrl+l Insert Line Inserts a new row into display memory
Ctrl+1 PF1 Sends the PF1 key to the host
Ctrl+10 PF10 Sends the PF10 key to the host
Ctrl+2 PF2 Sends the PF2 key to the host
Ctrl+3 PF3 Sends the PF3 key to the host
Ctrl+4 PF4 Sends the PF4 key to the host
Ctrl+5 PF5 Sends the PF5 key to the host
Ctrl+6 PF6 Sends the PF6 key to the host
Ctrl+7 PF7 Sends the PF7 key to the host
Ctrl+8 PF8 Sends the PF8 key to the host
Ctrl+9 PF9 Sends the PF9 key to the host
PageDown Page Down Displays the next page
PageUp Page Up Displays the previous page
Ctrl+E Put ETX Inserts an end-of-text character and homes the cursor
Keypad / Put Local Puts the session in local mode
Keypad * Put Receive Puts the session into receive mode
Enter Return Sends the return key to the host
Keypad Enter Return Sends the return key to the host
Ctrl+A Select All Selects all text
Shift+down arrow Select Down Selects text down
Shift+left arrow Select Left Selects text left
Shift+right arrow Select Right Selects text right
Shift+up arrow Select Up Selects text up
Shift+Ctrl+1 Shift F1 Sends the Shift F1 key to the host
Shift+Ctrl+0 Shift F10 Sends the Shift F10 key to the host
Shift+Ctrl+2 Shift F2 Sends the Shift F2 key to the host
Shift+Ctrl+3 Shift F3 Sends the Shift F3 key to the host
Shift+Ctrl+4 Shift F4 Sends the Shift F4 key to the host
Shift+Ctrl+5 Shift F5 Sends the Shift F5 key to the host
Shift+Ctrl+6 Shift F6 Sends the Shift F6 key to the host
Shift+Ctrl+7 Shift F7 Sends the Shift F7 key to the host
Shift+Ctrl+8 Shift F8 Sends the Shift F8 key to the host
Shift+Ctrl+9 Shift F9 Sends the Shift F9 key to the host
F5 Specify Transmits the cursor location to the host
Tab Tab Moves the cursor to the next field
F2 Transmit Transmits the page to the host
Keypad + Transmit Transmits the page to the host
Ctrl+F2 Transmit Line Transmits the current row to the host
Keypad - Transmit Line Transmits the current row to the host

ALC keyboard mapping

Key Maps to Description
Ctrl+M Auto Move Down Toggles the session ability to receive multiple pages
Backspace Backspace Moves the cursor one column to the left
Shift+tab back tab Moves the cursor to the previous field
Ctrl+Home Clear Clears the screen and sends the CLEAR key to the host
Ctrl+B Clear Broadcast Clears the SITA broadcast message
: Colon Inserts a colon character at the cursor position
Ctrl+L Cross of Lorraine Inserts the Cross of Lorraine character at the cursor position
Cursor Down Moves the cursor down a row
Keypad ↓ Cursor Down Moves the cursor down a row
Cursor Left Moves the cursor to the previous word
Keypad ← Cursor Left Moves the cursor to the previous word
Cursor Right Moves the cursor to the next word
Keypad → Cursor Right Moves the cursor to the next word
Cursor Up Moves the cursor up a row
Keypad ↑ Cursor Up Moves the cursor up a row
Delete Delete character Deletes the character at the cursor location
Ctrl+Delete Delete Line Deletes the line at the cursor position
= Display Inserts the display character at the cursor position
Ctrl+N Display New Line Inserts the display character at a new line
] Dollar Inserts the U.S. dollar sign character at the cursor position
. End Item Inserts the end item character at the cursor position
End End of Line Moves the cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl+T End Transaction Closes the PNR
Ctrl+E Erase End of Display Erases all data from the cursor position to the end of display
Ctrl+End Erase End of Line Erases all data from the cursor position to the end of line
Home Home Moves the cursor to the first unprotected field on the screen
Ctrl+I Ignore Cancels any changes made to the current PNR
Ctrl+Insert Insert Line Inserts a new line into display memory
Insert Insert Space Inserts a space into display memory
\ New Line Inserts the newline character at the cursor position
[ Pillow Inserts the pillow character at the cursor position
Ctrl+G Pound Inserts a British pound mark at the cursor position
Ctrl+Enter Print Enter Sends the response to the printer
Ctrl+P Protected Reset Moves the cursor to the first unprotected field
Ctrl+↑ Recall Next Input Recalls the next input or entry
Ctrl+↓ Recall Previous Input Recalls the previous input or entry
Ctrl+Z Reenter Resends the previously sent message to the host
Ctrl+R Repeat Redisplays the last message sent by the host
Escape Reset Resets keyboard error conditions
Shift+Ctrl+↓ Scroll Line Down Scrolls the display down one line
Shift+Ctrl+↑ Scroll Line Up Scrolls the display up one line
PageDown Scroll Page Down Scrolls the display down one page
PageUp Scroll Page Up Scrolls the display up one page
Ctrl+A Select All Selects all text
Shift+↓ Select Down Selects all text down
Shift+↑ Select Up Selects all text up
Shift+← Select Left Selects all text left
Shift+→ Select Right Selects all text right
Start of Message Inserts a start-of-message character at the cursor position
F12 Statistics Displays communication statistics
Tab Tab Moves the cursor to the next unprotected field
Ctrl+F Toggle CODACOM Toggles CODACOM mode
Enter Transmit Transmits page to the host
Keypad Enter Transmit Transmits page to the host
Shift+Enter Transmit Transmits page to the host
Shift+Escape Unlock Keyboard Unlocks the keyboard
Ctrl+U Unsolicited Message Retrieves an unsolicited message from the host