This document describes how to configure and use the helm-lim 24.4 Helm chart for complete LIM container orchestration in Kubernetes. You can find the LIM Helm chart at
These charts have been tested using the following Kubernetes versions:
OpenText recommends that you use the same tool versions to avoid unpredictable results.
The following instructions are for example purposes and are based on a default Kubernetes environment running under Linux, using the default namespace. Windows systems may require different syntax for certain commands and other Kubernetes Cluster providers may require additional/different configurations. Your Kubernetes administrator may require the use of specific namespaces and/or other configuration adjustments.
The Helm chart requires a default administrator credentials Secret.
NOTE: The Secret will be named lim-admin-credentials.
To create the credentials Secret, use the kubectl create secret command, as shown in the following code sample.
kubectl create secret generic lim-admin-credentials \
--type=basic-auth \
--from-literal=username=lim_admin \
--from-literal=password="$(openssl rand -base64 32| tr -d [:punct:])"
The Helm chart requires a JSON web token (JWT) Secret.
NOTE: The Secret will be named lim-jwt-security-key.
To create the JWT Secret, use the kubectl create secret command, as shown in the following code sample.
kubectl create secret generic lim-jwt-security-key \
--type=Opaque \
--from-literal=token="$(openssl rand -base64 32| tr -d [:punct:])"
Optionally, you can use a PEM (.crt) server certificate. If a certificate is used, then you must create a server certificate Secret for the Helm chart.
To use a PEM server certificate:
Use the following command to create the server certificate.
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout /tmp/lim-server-key.pem -out /tmp/lim-server-cert.pem -subj "/C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Waterloo/O=OpenText/OU=IT"
Use the kubectl create secret command, as shown in the following code sample, to create the Secret in Kubernetes.
kubectl create secret generic lim-server-certificate \
--type=TLS \
--from-file=tls.crt=/tmp/lim-server-cert.pem \
Use the following commands to delete the certificate file(s).
rm /tmp/lim-server-key.pem /tmp/lim-server-cert.pem
The Helm chart requires a signing certificate Secret.
To create the signing certificate Secret:
Use the following command to generate LIM signing certificate password.
LIM_SIGNING_CERT_PWD="$(openssl rand -base64 32)"
Use the following command to create the server certificate.
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout /tmp/lim-signing-key.pem -out /tmp/lim-signing-cert.pem -subj "/C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Waterloo/O=OpenText/OU=IT"
Use the following command to create a PFX file from the certificate.
openssl pkcs12 -export -out /tmp/lim-signing-cert.pfx -inkey /tmp/lim-signing-key.pem -in /tmp/lim-signing-cert.pem -passout "pass:${LIM_SIGNING_CERT_PWD}"
Use the kubectl create secret command, as shown in the following code sample, to create the certificate Secret in Kubernetes.
kubectl create secret generic lim-signing-certificate \
--type=Opaque \
Use the kubectl create secret command, as shown in the following code sample, to create the password Secret in Kubernetes.
kubectl create secret generic lim-signing-certificate-password \
--type=Opaque \
Use the following command to delete the certificate file(s).
rm /tmp/lim-signing-key.pem /tmp/lim-signing-cert.pem /tmp/lim-signing-cert.pfx
Use the following command to unset the LIM signing certificate password form the terminal.
The following command installs the LIM using the recommended defaults. In some cases, you might need to customize these values using the Helm --set parameter or by creating a values.yaml override file and passing it to the command line with the Helm -f flag. For more information about the values you can override, see the Helm Chart Values table.
TIP: To find the available LIM 24.4 helm chart version, go to
Use the following command to install the LIM.
helm install <release-name> oci:// --version <LIM Helm Chart Version> \
--set defaultAdministrator.credentialsSecretName=lim-admin-credentials \
--set jwt.securityKeySecretName=lim-jwt-security-key \
--set serverCertificate.certificateSecretName=lim-server-certificate \
--set signingCertificate.certificateSecretName=lim-signing-certificate \
--set signingCertificate.certificatePasswordSecretName=lim-signing-certificate-password \
--set dataPersistence.existingClaim=<Existing Persistent Volume Claim>
You can use kubectl to forward a local port to a port on the Pod.
To set up port forwarding:
Verify that your LIM Pod is running successfuly. It may take a few minutes before your pod gets to a proper 1/1 Running
configuration. You can run the command above multiple times or use the flag -w
to watch for any changes.
kubectl get pods
NOTE: It may take several minutes before your Pod reaches a proper 1/1 Running configuration. You can run the previous command multiple times or use command with the - w option to watch for any changes.
Open a new terminal shell.
Use the kubectl port-forward command, as shown in the following code sample, to set up port forwarding to access your LIM endpoint.
kubectl port-forward svc/lim 8080:37562
After setting up port forwarding in kubectl, you should be able to access the LIM user interface in a browser.
To verify that the LIM is running:
To verify that you can log in to the LIM using the admin credentials that were passed to the Helm chart:
In a browser, navigate to https://localhost:8080/login.
Log in with your default admin credentials.
This section explains upgrading of LIM Helm charts to version 24.4.
Upgrade LIM with Helm:
helm upgrade <Existing Installed LIM Release Name> oci:// --version <LIM Helm Chart Version> --reuse-values
Before upgrading your LIM in Kubernetes, you must retrieve the license information for the LIM and the product licenses currently associated with the LIM, as well as configuration details for all license pools.
To retrieve your license and pool details:
Before upgrading your LIM in Kubernetes, you must delete the license pools, remove the product licenses, and release the server license for the LIM.
IMPORTANT - You must perform the steps in Retrieve Licenses before proceeding. Otherwise, the actions in this procedure can lock your licenses to a deactivated cluster.
To delete pools and remove and release licenses:
Before upgrading the LIM, you must destroy the previously deployed version.
IMPORTANT Make sure that your kubectl and Helm contexts are set to the correct cluster before running the following commands.
To destroy the previous LIM:
Use the Helm delete command, as shown in the following code sample, to delete your LIM deployment:
helm delete <your_release_name> --namespace <your_namespace>
To deploy the LIM
Use the Helm install command, as shown in the following code sample, to deploy your LIM:
helm install lim oci:// --version <LIM Helm Chart Version> -f values.yaml
After deploying the new LIM version, you must license the updated LIM, add the product licenses to the new LIM version, and reconfigure the license pools.
To register licenses:
The following values are exposed by the Helm Chart. Unless specified as Required
, values should only be overridden as made necessary by your specific environment.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
dataPersistence.existingClaim | PersistentVolumeClaim | "" |
Specifies a managed Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) name. A PVC must be created before binding the volume. This setting is required if dataPersistence is enabled. |
defaultAdministrator.credentialsSecretName | | "" |
Specifies the name of the secret hosting admin credentials. | | string | "" |
Specifies the admin email address. |
jwt.securityKeySecretName | Opaque | "" |
Specifies the name of the Secret hosting the JWT securityKey to use. |
serverCertificate.certificatePasswordSecretName | Opaque | "" |
Specifies the name of the Secret hosting the server certificate PFX password. |
serverCertificate.certificateSecretName | Opaque, TLS | "" |
Specifies the name of the Secret hosting the server certificate value. |
signingCertificate.certificatePasswordSecretName | Opaque | "" |
Specifies the name of the Secret hosting the server certificate PFX password. |
signingCertificate.certificateSecretName | Opaque | "" |
Specifies the name of the Secret hosting the signing certificate value. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
defaultAdministrator.fullName | string | "LIM Default Admin" |
Specifies the admin full name. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
additionalEnvironmentVariables | list | [] |
Defines any additional environment variables to add to the Pods. |
affinity | pod.affinity | {} |
Defines Node Affinity configurations to add to Pods. |
allowNonTrustedServerCertificate | bool | false |
Determines whether to allow non-trusted server certificate. | | string | "https" |
Specifies the name of the container port. |
containerPort.port | int | 1443 |
Specifies the port to expose in the container. |
containerSecurityContext | pod.containers[*].securityContext | {} |
Defines security context configurations to add to the LIM container. |
customResources | object | {"enabled":false,"resources":{}} |
Defines Kubernetes resources to be installed and configured as part of the Helm chart. If you provide any resources, you must provide them as quoted, and you must set customResources.enabled to true. |
customResources.enabled | bool | false |
Indicates whether to enable custom resource creation. |
customResources.resources | Kubernetes YAML | {} |
Specifies the custom resources to generate. |
dataPersistence.disabled | bool | false |
Indicates whether to disable data persistence. OpenText recommends that you leave data persistence set to true. |
dataPersistence.storeLogs | bool | false |
Indicates whether to store logs. |
fortifyLicensingUrl | url | "" |
Specifies the Fortify License Service URL. |
fullnameOverride | string | |
Overrides the fully qualified app name of the release. |
image.digest | string | nil |
Specifies the version of the Docker image to pull in digest format. This setting takes precedence over image.tag, if both are declared. |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Specifies the image pull behavior. |
image.repository | string | "fortifydocker/lim" |
Specifies the Docker repository from which to pull the LIM Docker image. |
image.tag | string | "24.4.ubi.9" |
Specifies the version of the LIM Docker image to pull. |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
Specifies a list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images used by the current release. |
ingress.annotations | object | {} |
Specifies annotations to add to the resource. |
ingress.className | string | "" |
Identifies the ingress resource class name. |
ingress.enabled | bool | false |
Indicates whether to enable Ingress. |
ingress.hosts[0] | object | {"host":"lim.local","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"}]} |
Specifies the hostname through which to accept requests. |
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0] | object | {"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"} |
Specifies the path through which to accept requests. |
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType | string | "Prefix" |
Specifies the path type. |
ingress.tls | list | [] |
Defines TLS configurations. The setting is expressed in the following format: [{"hosts":["some-host"], "secretName":"some-name"}] |
jwt.expirationMinutes | int | 5 |
Indicates the lifespan of the access token in minutes. |
jwt.refreshTokenExpirationMinutes | int | 60 |
Indicates the lifespan of the refresh token in minutes. The refresh token is used for obtaining a new access token without having to enter a user name and password. |
jwt.securityKeySecretKey | Opaque | "token" |
Specifies the name of the key in secret hosting the JWT securityKey to use. |
jwt.validAudience | string | "FortifyLimAuthAudience" |
Identifies the intended recipients for the JWT. These are typically identified by their application ID or URL. |
jwt.validIssuer | string | "FortifyLimAuthIssuer" |
Identifies the entity that issued the JWT. This is usually identified by a URL. |
nameOverride | string | |
Overrides the name of this chart. |
nodeSelector | pod.nodeSelector | {"":"linux"} |
Defines Node selection constraint configurations to add to the Pods. |
podAnnotations | pod.annotations | {} |
Defines annotations to add to the Pods. |
podLabels | pod.labels | {} |
Defines labels to add to the Pods. |
podSecurityContext | pod.securityContext | forces UID , GID to 1000 , disallow privilege escalation |
Defines security context configurations to add to the Pods. |
proxy.address | string | "" |
Specifies the proxy server address. |
proxy.credentialsSecretName | | "" |
Specifies the name of the secret hosting proxy credentials. |
proxy.enabled | bool | false |
Indicates whether to enable a proxy. |
proxy.mode | int | 0 |
Specifies the proxy mode. Possible values are: None=0, AutoDetect=1, Manual=2. |
proxy.port | int | 0 |
Specifies the proxy server port. |
readinessInitialDelay | int | 10 |
Defines an initial delay in seconds for the readiness probe. |
resources.limits.cpu | string | ".5" |
Defines the limits of cpu resources granted to the pod. |
resources.limits.memory | string | "1Gi" |
Defines the limits of memory resources granted to the pod. |
resources.requests.cpu | string | ".5" |
Defines the initial request of cpu resources granted to the pod. |
resources.requests.memory | string | "1Gi" |
Defines the initial request of memory resources granted to the pod. |
serverCertificate.certificateType | string | "PEM" |
Specifies the type of server certificate to use. Possible values are PFX and PEM (for the .crt extension). |
serverCertificate.enabled | bool | true |
Indicates whether to enable TLS server certificates. |
serverCertificate.pemCertPrivateKeySecretKey | string | "tls.key" |
Specifies the name of the key that holds the private key (.key) of the PEM file in the provided Secret. provided Secret. |
serverCertificate.pemCertPublicKeySecretKey | string | "tls.crt" |
Specifies the name of the key that holds the public key (.crt) of the PEM file in the provided Secret. |
serverCertificate.pfxCertSecretKey | string | "tls.pfx" |
Specifies the name of the key that holds the .pfx file with both public and private keys. |
serverCertificate.pfxPasswordSecretKey | string | "pfx.password" |
Specifies the name of the key that holds the PFX password for accessing the .pfx certificate file. |
service.port | int | 37562 |
Specifies the port to expose for HTTPS calls. |
service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Specifies the type of Service to use. |
signingCertificate.pfxCertSecretKey | string | "tls.pfx" |
Specifies the name of the key that holds the .pfx file with both public and private keys. |
signingCertificate.pfxPasswordSecretKey | string | "pfx.password" |
Specifies the name of the key that holds the PFX password for accessing the .pfx certificate file. |
tolerations | pod.tolerations | [] |
Defines Toleration configurations to add to resulting Kubernetes Pod(s). |