This document describes how to configure and use the scancentral-dast-core 24.4 Helm charts for complete ScanCentral DAST core container orchestration in Kubernetes. You can find the ScanCentral DAST Helm charts at
These charts have been tested using the following Kubernetes versions:
These instructions were written and tested using the following tool versions. It is recommended that the same tool versions be used in order to avoid unpredictable results.
The following instructions are for example purposes and are based on a default Kubernetes environment running under Linux, using the default namespace. Windows systems may require different syntax for certain commands and other Kubernetes Cluster providers may require additional/different configurations. Your Kubernetes administrator may require the use of specific namespaces and/or other configuration adjustments.
The LIM secret is required for retrieving a license seat for the scanner. To create a LIM secret:
Ensure that the LIM is running within the cluster, the LIM is activated, and a Fortify WebInspect license is added to a license pool in the LIM.
Use the kubectl create secret command, as shown in the following code sample, with the license pool information you defined in the LIM to create a secret in the namespace where you intend to install Fortify ScanCentral DAST:
kubectl create secret generic lim-pool \
--type='basic-auth' \
--from-literal=username=<lim license pool name> \
--from-literal=password=<lim license pool password>
Ensure that you have the name of the administrative secret used for LIM. You must provide this to the Helm chart. Note: By default, the LIM names this secret lim-admin-credentials.
Database credentials are required to access the Fortify ScanCentral DAST database. To store the database credentials in Kubernetes:
Create or obtain the credentials for a DBO-level account as described in Database settings within the Fortify ScanCentral DAST documentation.
Use the kubectl create secret command, as shown in the following code sample, with the credentials from the previous step to create a secret for the DBO-level account in the namespace where you intend to install Fortify ScanCentral DAST:
kubectl create secret generic scdast-db-owner \
--type='basic-auth' \
--from-literal=username=<DBO username> \
--from-literal=password=<DBO password>
Create or obtain the credentials to a standard account as described in Database settings within the Fortify ScanCentral DAST documentation.
Use the kubectl create secret command, as shown in the following code sample, with the credentials from the previous step to create a secret for the standard account in the namespace where you intend to install Fortify ScanCentral DAST:
kubectl create secret generic scdast-db-standard \
--type='basic-auth' \
--from-literal=username=<DBO username> \
--from-literal=password=<DBO password>
You must generate a service account token (or shared secret) as described in Miscellaneous DAST settings within the Fortify ScanCentral DAST documentation.
Use the kubectl create secret command, as shown in the following code sample, to generate a service account token and install it as a secret into Kubernetes:
kubectl create secret generic scdast-service-token \
--type='opaque' \
--from-literal=service-token=$(openssl rand -base64 32)
You must configure Fortify Software Security Center credentials for the connection between Fortify ScanCentral DAST and Fortify Software Security Center. To configure Fortify Software Security Center credentials:
Create or obtain the service account credentials for Fortify Software Security Center as described in SSC settings within the Fortify ScanCentral DAST documentation.
Use the kubectl create secret command, as shown in the following code sample, with the credentials from the previous step to create a secret in the namespace where you intend to install Fortify ScanCentral DAST:
kubectl create secret generic scdast-ssc-serviceaccount \
--type='basic-auth' \
--from-literal=username=<SSC username> \
--from-literal=password=<SSC password>
Optionally, you can generate SSL certificates for the DAST API service and DAST Utility Service to ensure that components communicate with one another using SSL. These certificates do not affect ingress resources. Certificates must be in PFX format. You can use the kubectl create secret command to generate these certificates using your internal trusted PKI services with your PKI-generated PFX files and passwords. For more information, see DAST API SSL settings and Utility Service SSL settings within the Fortify ScanCentral DAST documentation.
To prepare the DAST API service certificate:
Generate a random password using openssl.
API_SERVER_CERT_PWD="$(openssl rand -base64 32)"
Create a certificate using openssl.
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout /tmp/api-server-key.pem -out /tmp/api-server-cert.pem -subj "/C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Waterloo/O=YourCompany/OU=IT"
Create a PKCS12 certificate.
openssl pkcs12 -export -out /tmp/api-server-cert.pfx -inkey /tmp/api-server-key.pem -in /tmp/api-server-cert.pem -passout "pass:${API_SERVER_CERT_PWD}"
Create a Kubernetes secret for the api-server-certificate.
kubectl create secret generic api-server-certificate --type=Opaque --from-file=tls.pfx=/tmp/api-server-cert.pfx
Create a Kubernetes secret for the api-server-certificate-password.
kubectl create secret generic api-server-certificate-password --type=Opaque --from-literal=password=$API_SERVER_CERT_PWD
Remove the temporary files.
rm /tmp/api-server-key.pem /tmp/api-server-cert.pem /tmp/api-server-cert.pfx
Unset the environment variables.
To prepare the DAST Utility Service certificate:
Generate a random password using openssl.
UTILITYSERVICE_SERVER_CERT_PWD="$(openssl rand -base64 32)"
Create a certificate using openssl.
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout /tmp/utilityservice-server-key.pem -out /tmp/utilityservice-server-cert.pem -subj "/C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Waterloo/O=YourCompany/OU=IT"
Create a PKCS12 certificate.
openssl pkcs12 -export -out /tmp/utilityservice-server-cert.pfx -inkey /tmp/utilityservice-server-key.pem -in /tmp/utilityservice-server-cert.pem -passout "pass:${UTILITYSERVICE_SERVER_CERT_PWD}"
Create a Kubernetes secret for the utilityservice-server-certificate.
kubectl create secret generic utilityservice-server-certificate --type=Opaque --from-file=tls.pfx=/tmp/utilityservice-server-cert.pfx
Create a Kubernetes secret for the utilityservice-server-certificate-password.
kubectl create secret generic utilityservice-server-certificate-password --type=Opaque --from-literal=password=$UTILITYSERVICE_SERVER_CERT_PWD
Remove the temporary files.
rm /tmp/utilityservice-server-key.pem /tmp/utilityservice-server-cert.pem /tmp/utilityservice-server-cert.pfx
Unset the environment variables.
By default, the Fortify ScanCentral DAST core helm chart references its images directly from DockerHub. For Kubernetes to properly install your images using the default configuration, you must create an image pull secret and store it in your installation namespace in Kubernetes. If you are replicating these images to a local repository, you can skip this task and update the relevant image values in the Helm chart to reference your local repository. To create an image pull secret:
Use the kubectl create secret command as shown in the following code sample:
kubectl create secret docker-registry \ \
--docker-username='<docker username>' \
--docker-password='<docker password>' \
--docker-email='<docker user email>'
The following command installs the Fortify ScanCentral DAST core components using the recommended defaults for all services. In some cases, you might need to customize these values using the Helm --set parameter or by creating a values.yaml override file and passing it to the command line with the Helm -f flag. For more information about the values you can override, see the core components Helm chart values.
Tip: To find the available SC DAST 24.4 helm chart version, go to
Note: These example values assume a database type of 'MS-SQL', with secrets named the same as the previous examples. If these values are different, then you must update the following command line accordingly.
helm upgrade -i scdast-core oci:// --version <chart version> --timeout 60m \
--set imagePullSecrets[0].name=docker-registry \
--set appsettings.lIMSettings.limUrl="<https url to LIM service>" \ # Update with your LIM Host/Port
--set appsettings.sSCSettings.sSCRootUrl="<ssc root URL>" \ # Update with your SSC host path
--set appsettings.databaseSettings.server="<Name of the database server>" \ # Update with the name of the Database
--set database.dboLevelAccountCredentialsSecret=scdast-db-owner \
--set database.standardAccountCredentialsSecret=scdast-db-standard \
--set sscServiceAccountSecretName=scdast-ssc-serviceaccount \
--set serviceTokenSecretName=scdast-service-token \
--set limServiceAccountSecretName=lim-admin-credentials \
--set limDefaultPoolSecretName=lim-pool \
--set api.certificate.certificateSecretName=api-server-certificate \
--set api.certificate.certificatePasswordSecretName=api-server-certificate-password \
--set utilityService.certificate.certificateSecretName=api-server-certificate \
--set utilityService.certificate.certificatePasswordSecretName=utilityservice-server-certificate-password
In the previous code sample, the https://<lim-server-url>:<port>
. The https://<ssc-server-url>:<port>/ssc
By default, the Helm chart defines the container resource/requests based on recommended best-practice values intended to prevent performance issues and unexpected Kubernetes evictions of containers and pods. These values are often too large for a small test environment that does not require the same level of resources.
To disable these settings, paste the below values into a file called "resource_override.yaml" and add it to the install commandline with the -f flag. (e.g. -f resource_override.yaml")
WARNING: Using the following settings in production is not supported and will lead to unstable behavior.
# Set all Kubernetes resources except for the datastores to best-effort mode (no resource requirements)
# DO NOT null out the resource configuration for the 'datastore' containers, this will result in unexpected evictions due to how that service allocates memory.
resources: null
resources: null
cpu: null
memory: null
cpu: null
memory: null
resources: null
resources: null
resources: null
resources: null
Upgrade helm-scancentral-dast-core chart from previous releases to version 24.4.
This release of the ScanCentral DAST helm chart has many changes that are not compatible with the previous chart. However, because all of the state for Scancentral DAST is installed in the database, no data will be lost.
Remove the previous Fortify ScanCentral DAST helm deployment. If you do not remember the release name, you can find it using the following example command:
helm -n <scancentral namespace> list
After you have identified the previous Fortify ScanCentral DAST installation, use the following command to uninstall the helm chart:
helm -n <scancentral namespace> uninstall <release name>
Now perform the steps listed in Installation.
The following values are exposed by the Helm Chart. Unless specified as Required
, values should only be overridden as made necessary by your specific environment.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
api.certificate.certificatePasswordSecretName | Opaque |
Specifies the name of the Secret hosting the server certificate password. |
api.certificate.certificateSecretName | Opaque |
Specifies the name of the Secret hosting the server certificate value. |
appsettings.databaseSettings.server | string |
Specifies the name of the database server. |
appsettings.lIMSettings.limUrl | string |
Specifies the URL to reach LIM. |
appsettings.sSCSettings.sSCRootUrl | string |
Specifies the Root URL for connecting to SSC |
database.dboLevelAccountCredentialsSecret | |
Specifies the name of the secret hosting Database Owner Level Account credentials. |
limDefaultPoolSecretName | |
Specifies the name of the secret hosting the LIM Service Account credentials. |
limServiceAccountSecretName | |
Specifies the name of the secret hosting the LIM Service Account credentials. |
serviceTokenSecretName | Opaque |
Specifies the name of the secret hosting the Service Token. |
sscServiceAccountSecretName | |
Specifies the name of the secret hosting the Fortify Software Security Center Service Account credentials. |
utilityService.certificate.certificatePasswordSecretName | Opaque |
Specifies the name of the Secret hosting the server certificate password. |
utilityService.certificate.certificateSecretName | Opaque |
Specifies the name of the Secret hosting the server certificate value. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
allowScanScaling | bool |
Enables API and GlobalService Kubernetes roles for Sensor Auto Scaling/Scan Scaling. Caution! Setting to 'true' allows arbitrary Kubernetes YAML to be installed from the UI. Ensure that this function in the UI is appropriately restricted to authorized personnel before enabling. |
api.additionalEnvironmentVariables | list |
Defines any additional environment variables to add to the Pod. |
api.affinity | pod.affinity |
Defines Node Affinity configurations to add to the Pods. |
api.certificate.certificatePasswordSecretKey | string |
Specifies the name of the key that holds the password for unlocking the certificate file. |
api.certificate.enabled | bool |
Indicates whether to enable TLS server certificate. If set to false, HTTP (plain-text) communication is used. |
api.certificate.pfxCertSecretKey | string |
Specifies the name of the key that holds the PFX file with both public and private keys. |
api.containerSecurityContext | pod.containers[*].securityContext |
Defines the security context configurations to add to the resulting API container. |
api.image.digest | string |
Specifies the version of the Docker image to pull in digest format. This setting takes precedence over image.tag, if both are declared. |
api.image.pullPolicy | string |
Specifies the image pull behavior. |
api.image.repository | string |
Specifies the Docker repository from which to pull the DAST API image. |
api.image.tag | string |
Specifies the version of the DAST API Docker image to pull. |
api.ingress.annotations | ingress.annotations |
Specifies annotations to add to the resource. |
api.ingress.className | string |
Identifies the ingress resource class name. |
api.ingress.enabled | bool |
Indicates whether to enable ingress. |
api.ingress.hosts[0] | object |
"host": "dast-api.local",
"paths": [
"path": "/",
"pathType": "Prefix"
Identifies the host running the ingress server for the API. |
api.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0] | object |
"path": "/",
"pathType": "Prefix"
Specifies the path through which to accept requests. |
api.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType | string |
Specifies the path type.. |
api.ingress.tls | list | [] |
Defines TLS configurations. The following example shows the configuration values syntax: [{"hosts":["some-host"],"secretName":"some-name"}] |
api.logLevel | Debug | Information | Warning | Error | See defaultLogLevel |
Specifies the Log level for DAST API service. |
api.nameOverride | string |
Specifies a custom name for the Pod. NOTE: `-api` will be appended by the release. |
api.nodeSelector | pod.nodeSelector |
Defines Node selection constraint configurations to add to the Pods. |
api.podAnnotations | pod.annotations |
Defines annotations to add to the Pods. |
api.podLabels | pod.labels |
Defines labels to add to the Pods. |
api.podSecurityContext | pod.securityContext |
Defines security context configurations to add to the Pods. |
api.replicas | int |
Number of Pod(s) to deploy. |
api.resources.limits.cpu | string |
Specifies the maximum amount of compute that can be consumed by pod. MUST match value used for request. |
api.resources.limits.memory | string |
Specifies the maximum memory that can be consumed prior to pod eviction. |
api.resources.requests.cpu | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of compute that the pod is guaranteed to receive |
api.resources.requests.memory | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of memory that the pod is guaranteed to receive |
api.service.port | int |
Indicates the service type to use. |
api.service.type | string |
Indicates the service type to use. |
api.tolerations | pod.tolerations |
Defines Toleration configurations to add to the Pods. |
appsettings.applySecureBase | bool |
Indicates whether to update SecureBase |
appsettings.dASTApiSettings.containerListenIPAddress | int |
Specifies the container IP to listen on. |
appsettings.dASTApiSettings.containerListenPort | int |
Specifies the container port to use. |
appsettings.dASTApiSettings.disableCorsOrigins | bool |
Indicates whether to disable CORS origins. |
appsettings.dastApiSSLSettings | object |
appsettings.databaseSettings.database | string |
Specifies the name of the database instance |
appsettings.databaseSettings.databaseProvider | SQLServer | PostgreSQL | AzureSQLServer | AzurePostgreSQL | AmazonRdsPostgreSQL |
Identifies the type of SQL database used. |
appsettings.databaseSettings.dboLevelDatabaseAccount.additionalConnectionProperties | []string |
Specifies a list of additional connection properties to append to the database connection string for the DBO-level account. Expressed in the format of "someKey=someValue". |
appsettings.databaseSettings.dboLevelDatabaseAccount.useWindowsAuthentication | bool |
Indicates whether to use Windows Authentication |
appsettings.databaseSettings.standardDatabaseAccount.additionalConnectionProperties | []string |
Specifies a list of additional connection properties to append to the database connection string for the standard account. Expressed in the format of "someKey=someValue". |
appsettings.databaseSettings.standardDatabaseAccount.createLogin | bool |
Indicates whether to create a login for the standard account. |
appsettings.disableAdvancedScanPrioritization | bool |
Indicates whether to disable advanced scan prioritization. |
appsettings.enableRestrictedScanSettings | bool |
Indicates whether to enable restricted scan settings. For more information, |
appsettings.environmentSettings.allowNonTrustedServerCertificate | bool |
Indicates whether to allow non-trusted server certificate. |
appsettings.fortifyConnectServerSettings.disableFortifyConnectServer | bool |
Indicates whether to disable Fortify Connect server. |
appsettings.fortifyConnectServerSettings.externalHost | string |
Specifies the Fortify Connect server external host listed in the Fortify ScanCentral DAST UI. Replace the default value with a valid external host name. |
appsettings.fortifyConnectServerSettings.externalPort | int |
Specifies the port used by the FortifyConnect server externally. |
appsettings.fortifyConnectServerSettings.internalPort | int |
Specifies the port used by FortifyConnect server internally. |
appsettings.retainCompletedScans | bool |
Indicates whether to retain completed scans. |
appsettings.secureBasePath | string |
Specifies the location of the SecureBase ZIP file to use for seeding the database. If not blank, you must use a container instance that contains the " file" (/app/ Caution! The LIM must be running and fully licensed prior to installing this Helm chart if the value is blank. |
appsettings.smartUpdateSettings.licensingUrl | string |
Specifies the URL used for licensing Smart Update. |
appsettings.smartUpdateSettings.smartUpdateUrl | string |
Specifies the URL used for SmartUpdates. |
appsettings.utilityWorkerServiceSSLSettings.containerListenPort | int |
Container port to use. |
appsettings.utilityWorkerServiceSettings.containerListenPort | int |
Container port to use. |
commonPodAnnotations | pod.annotations |
Defines annotations to add to the Pods. These annotations are added to all Pods deployed in the current release. |
customResources | object |
"enabled": false,
"resources": {}
Defines Kubernetes resources to be installed and configured as part of the Helm chart. If you provide any resources, you must provide them as quoted, using single quotation marks '. |
customResources.enabled | bool |
Indicates whether to enable custom resource creation. |
customResources.resources | Kubernetes YAML |
Specifies the custom resources to generate. |
database.standardAccountCredentialsSecret | |
Specifies the name of the secret hosting the DBO-level account credentials. |
debrickedAccessTokenSecretKey | Opaque |
Specifies the name of the key in the secret hosting the Debricked access token. For more information, see Client-side library analysis and Debricked settings. |
debrickedAccessTokenSecretName | Opaque |
Specifies the name of the secret hosting the Debricked access token. For more information, see Client-side library analysis and Debricked settings. |
defaultLogLevel | Debug | Information | Warning | Error |
Specifies the Default Log level. Can be overridden by specific application configurations. |
fortifyConnectServer.additionalEnvironmentVariables | list |
Defines any additional environment variables to add to the Pod. |
fortifyConnectServer.affinity | pod.affinity |
Defines Node Affinity configurations to add to the Pods. |
fortifyConnectServer.containerSecurityContext | pod.containers[*].securityContext |
Defines security context configurations to add to Fortify Connect server container. |
fortifyConnectServer.defaultContainerSshdConfigTemplate | Chart | Default |
Whether to use the default container sshd_config template or the one provided by the Helm Chart. |
fortifyConnectServer.image.digest | string |
Specifies the version of the Docker image to pull in digest format. This setting takes precedence over image.tag, if both are declared. |
fortifyConnectServer.image.pullPolicy | string |
Specifies the image pull behavior for the Fortify Connect server image. |
fortifyConnectServer.image.repository | string |
Specifies the Docker repository from which to pull the Fortify Connect server image. |
fortifyConnectServer.image.tag | string |
Specifies the version of the Fortify Connect server Docker image to pull. |
fortifyConnectServer.nameOverride | string |
Specifies a custom name for the Pod. NOTE: `-globalservice` will be appended by the release. |
fortifyConnectServer.nodeSelector | pod.nodeSelector |
Defines Node selection constraint configurations to add to the Pods. |
fortifyConnectServer.podAnnotations | pod.annotations |
Defines annotations to add to the Pods. |
fortifyConnectServer.podLabels | pod.labels |
Defines labels to add to the Pods. |
fortifyConnectServer.podSecurityContext | pod.securityContext |
Defines security context configurations to add to the Pods. |
fortifyConnectServer.replicas | int |
Number of Pod(s) to deploy. |
fortifyConnectServer.resources.limits.cpu | string |
Specifies the maximum amount of compute that can be consumed by pod. MUST match value used for request. |
fortifyConnectServer.resources.limits.memory | string |
Specifies the maximum memory that can be consumed prior to pod eviction. |
fortifyConnectServer.resources.requests.cpu | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of compute that the pod is guaranteed to receive |
fortifyConnectServer.resources.requests.memory | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of memory that the pod is guaranteed to receive |
fortifyConnectServer.service.annotations | service.annotations |
Defines annotations to add to resulting Kubernetes resource. |
fortifyConnectServer.service.loadBalancerClass | string |
Required if service type is LoadBalancer. |
fortifyConnectServer.service.nodePort | string |
Specifies the port to expose on the Node. Required if service type is NodePort. |
fortifyConnectServer.service.type | ClusterIP | NodePort | LoadBalancer | ExternalName |
Specifies the ervice type. |
fortifyConnectServer.sshKeySecretName | string |
Specifies the name of the Secret hosting SSH Key data. |
fortifyConnectServer.sshPrivateKeySecretKey | string |
Specifies the name of the key in the Secret hosting SSH Private Key data. |
fortifyConnectServer.sshPublicKeySecretKey | string |
Specifies the name of the key in the Secret hosting SSH Public Key data. |
fortifyConnectServer.sshdConfigConfigMapKey | string |
Name of the key in the ConfigMap hosting a custom sshdConfig template. |
fortifyConnectServer.sshdConfigConfigMapName | ConfigMap |
Name of the ConfigMap hosting a custom sshdConfig template. If not specified and defaultContainerSshdConfigTemplate is set to 'Chart', release will use the one provided by the Helm Chart. |
fortifyConnectServer.tolerations | pod.tolerations |
Defines Toleration configurations to add to the Pods. |
fullnameOverride | string |
Overrides the fully qualified app name of the release. |
globalService.additionalEnvironmentVariables | list |
Defines any additional environment variables to add to the Pod. |
globalService.affinity | pod.affinity |
Defines Node Affinity configurations to add to the Pods. |
globalService.containerSecurityContext | pod.containers[*].securityContext |
Defines security context configurations to add to Globla service container. |
globalService.healthCheckPort | int |
container port used for health checks |
globalService.image.digest | string |
Specifies the version of the Docker image to pull in digest format. This setting takes precedence over image.tag, if both are declared. |
globalService.image.pullPolicy | string |
Specifies the image pull behavior for the Global Service image. |
globalService.image.repository | string |
Specifies the Docker repository from which to pull the Global Service image. |
globalService.image.tag | string |
Specifies the version of the Global Service Docker image to pull. |
globalService.logLevel | Debug | Information | Warning | Error | Information |
Specifies the Log level. |
globalService.nameOverride | string |
Specifies a custom Pod name. NOTE: `-globalservice` will be appended by the release. |
globalService.nodeSelector | pod.nodeSelector |
Defines Node selection constraint configurations to add to the Pods. |
globalService.podAnnotations | pod.annotations |
Defines annotations to add to the Pods. |
globalService.podLabels | pod.labels |
Defines labels to add to the Pods. |
globalService.podSecurityContext | pod.securityContext |
Defines security context configurations to add to the Pods. |
globalService.replicas | int |
Number of Pod(s) to deploy. Only one replica is supported at this time. |
globalService.resources.limits.cpu | string |
Specifies the maximum amount of compute that can be consumed by pod. MUST match value used for request. |
globalService.resources.limits.memory | string |
Specifies the maximum memory that can be consumed prior to pod eviction. |
globalService.resources.requests.cpu | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of compute that the pod is guaranteed to receive |
globalService.resources.requests.memory | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of memory that the pod is guaranteed to receive |
globalService.tolerations | pod.tolerations |
Defines Toleration configurations to add to the Pods. |
imagePullSecrets | list |
Specifies a list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images used by the current release. You must provide this if pulling images directly from DockerHub. |
jobmanagementrole.nameOverride | string |
Enables name override for the job management role |
nameOverride | string |
Overrides the name of this chart. |
proxyCredentialsSecretName | |
Specifies the name of the secret hosting proxy credentials. |
serviceTokenSecretKey | Opaque |
Specifies the name of the key in the secret hosting the Service Token. |
twofactorauth.additionalEnvironmentVariables | list |
Defines any additional environment variables to add to the Pod. |
twofactorauth.affinity | pod.affinity |
Defines Node Affinity configurations to add to the Pods. |
twofactorauth.containerPort | int |
Container port used by twofactor auth. |
twofactorauth.containerSecurityContext | pod.containers[*].securityContext |
Defines security context configurations to add to two factor auth container. |
twofactorauth.image.digest | string |
Specifies the version of the Docker image to pull in digest format. This setting takes precedence over image.tag, if both are declared. |
twofactorauth.image.pullPolicy | string |
Specifies the image pull behavior for the 2FA Server image. |
twofactorauth.image.repository | string |
Specifies the Docker repository from which to pull the 2FA Server image. |
twofactorauth.image.tag | string |
Specifies the version of the 2FA Server Docker image to pull. |
twofactorauth.ingress.annotations | ingress.annotations |
Specifies annotations to add to the resource. |
twofactorauth.ingress.className | string |
Identifies the ingress resource class name. |
twofactorauth.ingress.enabled | bool |
Indicates whether to enable ingress. |
twofactorauth.ingress.hosts[0] | object |
"host": "dast-2fa.local",
"paths": [
"path": "/",
"pathType": "Prefix"
Identifies the host running the ingress server for the API. |
twofactorauth.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType | string |
Specifies the path type. |
twofactorauth.ingress.tls | list | [] |
Defines TLS configurations. The following example shows the configuration values syntax: [{"hosts":["some-host"],"secretName":"some-name"}] |
twofactorauth.masterTokenSecretKey | string |
Specifies the name of the key in the Secret hosting the two-factor authentication master token. |
twofactorauth.masterTokenSecretName | string |
Specifies the name of the secret hosting the two-factor authentication master token. NOTE: Token should be a minimum of 36 characters. |
twofactorauth.nameOverride | string |
Specifies a custom name for the Pod. NOTE: `-2fa` will be added by the release. |
twofactorauth.nodeSelector | pod.nodeSelector |
Defines Node selection constraint configurations to add to the Pods. |
twofactorauth.podAnnotations | pod.annotations |
Defines annotations to add to the Pods. |
twofactorauth.podLabels | pod.labels |
Defines labels to add to the Pods. |
twofactorauth.podSecurityContext | pod.securityContext |
Defines security context configurations to add to the Pods. |
twofactorauth.replicas | int |
Number of Pod(s) to deploy. |
twofactorauth.resources.limits.cpu | string |
Specifies the maximum amount of compute that can be consumed by pod. MUST match value used for request. |
twofactorauth.resources.limits.memory | string |
Specifies the maximum memory that can be consumed prior to pod eviction. |
twofactorauth.resources.requests.cpu | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of compute that the pod is guaranteed to receive. |
twofactorauth.resources.requests.memory | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of memory that the pod is guaranteed to receive. |
twofactorauth.service.port | int |
Port to expose for HTTPS calls. |
twofactorauth.service.type | string |
Service type to use. |
twofactorauth.tolerations | pod.tolerations |
Defines Toleration configurations to add to the Pods. |
upgradejob.additionalEnvironmentVariables | list |
Defines any additional environment variables to add to the Pod. |
upgradejob.affinity | pod.affinity |
Defines Node Affinity configurations to add to the Pods. |
upgradejob.containerSecurityContext | pod.containers[*].securityContext |
Defines security context configurations to add to upgrade job container. |
upgradejob.image.digest | string |
Specifies the version of the Docker image to pull in digest format. This setting takes precedence over image.tag, if both are declared. |
upgradejob.image.pullPolicy | string |
Specifies the image pull behavior for the Fortify Configuration Tool CLI image. |
upgradejob.image.repository | string |
Specifies the Docker repository from which to pull the Fortify Configuration Tool CLI image. |
upgradejob.image.tag | string |
Specifies the version of the Fortify Configuration Tool CLI Docker image to pull. |
upgradejob.nameOverride | string |
Specifies a custom name for the Pod. NOTE: `-upgrade-job` will be appended by the release. |
upgradejob.nodeSelector | pod.nodeSelector |
Defines Node selection constraint configurations to add to the Pods. |
upgradejob.podAnnotations | pod.annotations |
Defines annotations to add to the Pods. |
upgradejob.podLabels | pod.labels |
Defines labels to add to the Pods. |
upgradejob.podSecurityContext | pod.securityContext |
Defines security context configurations to add to the Pods. |
upgradejob.prepJob.image.digest | string |
Specifies the version of the Docker image to pull in digest format. This setting takes precedence over image.tag, if both are declared. |
upgradejob.prepJob.image.pullPolicy | string |
Specifies the image pull behavior for the upgrade job image. |
upgradejob.prepJob.image.repository | string |
Specifies the Docker repository from which to pull the Kubectl image. |
upgradejob.prepJob.image.tag | string |
Specifies the version of the Kubectl image to pull. |
upgradejob.prepJob.resources.limits.cpu | string |
Specifies the maximum amount of compute that can be consumed by pod. MUST match value used for request |
upgradejob.prepJob.resources.limits.memory | string |
Specifies the maximum memory that can be consumed prior to pod eviction. |
upgradejob.prepJob.resources.requests.cpu | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of compute that the pod is guaranteed to receive |
upgradejob.prepJob.resources.requests.memory | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of memory that the pod is guaranteed to receive |
upgradejob.resources.limits.cpu | string |
Specifies the maximum amount of compute that can be consumed by pod. MUST match value used for request. |
upgradejob.resources.limits.memory | string |
Specifies the maximum memory that can be consumed prior to pod eviction. |
upgradejob.resources.requests.cpu | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of compute that the pod is guaranteed to receive |
upgradejob.resources.requests.memory | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of memory that the pod is guaranteed to receive | | bool |
Whether to run upgrade flow for creation, migration or updates on the backend databases on every helm upgrade. |
upgradejob.tolerations | pod.tolerations |
Defines Toleration configurations to add to the Pods. |
utilityService.additionalEnvironmentVariables | list |
Defines any additional environment variables to add to the Pod. |
utilityService.affinity | pod.affinity |
Defines Node Affinity configurations to add to the Pods. |
utilityService.certificate.certificatePasswordSecretKey | string |
Specifies the name of the key that holds the password for unlocking the certificate file. |
utilityService.certificate.enabled | bool |
Indicates whether to enable TLS server certificates. When set to false, HTTP (plain-text) communication is used. |
utilityService.certificate.pfxCertSecretKey | string |
Specifies the name of the key that holds the PFX file with both public and private keys. |
utilityService.containerSecurityContext | pod.containers[*].securityContext |
Defines security context configurations to add to utility service container. |
utilityService.datastore.additionalEnvironmentVariables | list |
Defines any additional environment variables to add to the Pod. |
utilityService.datastore.image.digest | string |
Specifies the version of the Docker image to pull in digest format. This setting takes precedence over image.tag, if both are declared. |
utilityService.datastore.image.pullPolicy | string |
Specifies the image pull behavior for the SQL Server Docker image. |
utilityService.datastore.image.repository | string |
Specifies the location from which to pull the SQL Server Docker image. |
utilityService.datastore.image.tag | string |
Specifies the version of the SQL Server image to pull. |
utilityService.datastore.mssqlStorage.sizeLimit | String |
Specifies the maximum size of MSSQL's internal storage. |
utilityService.datastore.resources.limits.cpu | string |
Specifies the maximum amount of compute that can be consumed by pod. MUST match value used for request. |
utilityService.datastore.resources.limits.ephemeral-storage | string |
Specifies maximum amount of storage space available to datastore before pod is evicted. |
utilityService.datastore.resources.limits.memory | string |
Specifies the maximum memory that can be consumed prior to pod eviction. |
utilityService.datastore.resources.requests.cpu | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of compute that the pod is guaranteed to receive |
utilityService.datastore.resources.requests.ephemeral-storage | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of storage space allocated to datastore. |
utilityService.datastore.resources.requests.memory | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of memory that the pod is guaranteed to receive |
utilityService.healthCheckPort | int |
Specifies the container port used for health checks |
utilityService.image.digest | string |
Specifies the version of the Docker image to pull in digest format. This setting takes precedence over image.tag, if both are declared. |
utilityService.image.pullPolicy | string |
Specifies the image pull behavior for the Utility Service Docker image. |
utilityService.image.repository | string |
Specifies the Docker repository from which to pull the Utility Service image. |
utilityService.image.tag | string |
Specifies the version of the Utility Service image to pull. |
utilityService.logLevel | Debug | Information | Warning | Error | Information |
Log level. |
utilityService.nameOverride | string |
Specifies a custom name for the Pod. NOTE: `-utilityservice` will be appended by the release. |
utilityService.nodeSelector | pod.nodeSelector |
Defines Node selection constraint configurations to add to the Pods. |
utilityService.podAnnotations | pod.annotations |
Defines annotations to add to the Pods. |
utilityService.podLabels | pod.labels |
Defines labels to add to the Pods. |
utilityService.podSecurityContext | pod.securityContext |
Defines security context configurations to add to the Pods. |
utilityService.replicas | int |
Number of Pod(s) to deploy. Values greater than '1' are not supported. |
utilityService.resources.limits.cpu | string |
Specifies the maximum amount of compute that can be consumed by pod. |
utilityService.resources.limits.ephemeral-storage | string |
Specifies the maximum amount of storage space available to datastore before pod is evicted. |
utilityService.resources.limits.memory | string |
Specifies the maximum memory that can be consumed prior to pod eviction. |
utilityService.resources.requests.cpu | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of compute that the pod is guaranteed to receive |
utilityService.resources.requests.ephemeral-storage | string |
Specifies the guaranteed amount of storage space allocated to datastore. |
utilityService.resources.requests.memory | string |
Specifies the minimum amount of memory that the pod is guaranteed to receive |
utilityService.scandataStorage.sizeLimit | String |
Specifies the maximum amount of temporary data that can be stored for a scan. Must be less than or equal to the amount of ephemeral storage defined. |
utilityService.service.port | int |
Identifies the port to expose for HTTPS calls. |
utilityService.service.type | string |
Indicates the service type to use. |
utilityService.tolerations | pod.tolerations |
Defines Toleration configurations to add to the Pods. |