Deploying DAST Scanner in Kubernetes

This document describes how to configure and use the scancentral-dast-scanner 24.4 Helm charts for complete ScanCentral DAST scanner container orchestration in Kubernetes. You can find the ScanCentral DAST Scanner Helm charts at

Table of Contents

Kubernetes Versions

These charts have been tested using the following Kubernetes versions:

Tool Prerequisites

These instructions were written and tested using the following tool versions. It is recommended that the same tool versions be used in order to avoid unpredictable results.


The following instructions are for example purposes and are based on a default Kubernetes environment running under Linux, using the default namespace. Windows systems may require different syntax for certain commands and other Kubernetes Cluster providers may require additional/different configurations. Your Kubernetes administrator may require the use of specific namespaces and/or other configuration adjustments.

Installation Prerequisites

Installation Steps

  1. Ensure ScanCentral DAST Core Services are installed
  2. Retrieve core configuration properties
  3. Ensure image pull secret
  4. Installing ScanCentral DAST scanner
  5. Special Considerations for testing environments

Ensure ScanCentral DAST Core Services are installed

Ensure that the ScanCentral DAST core components have been installed and are at the same Helm chart revision as the ScanCentral DAST scanner chart.

Retrieve core configuration properties

Obtain the following information to populate core services values in the ScanCentral DAST scanner helm chart:

You can obtain this information by running the following command:

helm  get notes  <name_of_scancentral-dast-core_helm_release>

Ensure image pull secret

If you are using Docker images directly from DockerHub, ensure that you have the name of your image pull secret ready to add to the Helm configuration. It should be the same configuration created to install the ScanCentral DAST core components Helm chart.

Installing ScanCentral DAST scanner

The following command installs the Fortify ScanCentral DAST scanner using the recommended defaults for all services. In some cases, you might need to customize these values using the Helm --set parameter or by creating a values.yaml override file and passing it to the command line with the Helm -f flag. For more information about Helm overrides, refer to the Helm documentation.

For more information about the values that can be overridden, see the Fortify ScanCentral DAST scanner Helm chart values.

Tip: To find other available versions, go to

Note: These example values presume the default naming referenced in both the helm-scancentral-dast-scanner and the helm-scancentral-dast-core charts. If these values are different, then you must update the following command line accordingly.

helm install <Installation release name> -i oci:// --version <chart_version> --timeout 60m \
 --set dastApiServiceURL=<SC_DAST_API_service_URL> \
 --set serviceTokenSecretName=scdast-service-token

Special Considerations for testing environments

By default, the Helm chart defines the container resources and requests based on recommended best-practice values intended to prevent performance issues and unexpected Kubernetes evictions of containers and pods. These values are often too large for a small test environment that does not require the same level of resources. To disable these settings, paste the following values into a file named 'resource_override.yaml' and add it to the install command line with the -f flag, for example $ helm install -f resource_override.yaml

Caution: Using the following settings in production is not supported and will lead to unstable behavior.

# Set all Kubernetes resources except for the datastores to best-effort mode (no resource requirements)
# DO NOT null out the resource configuration for the 'datastore' containers, this will result in unexpected evictions due to how that service allocates memory.
    cpu: null
    memory: null
    cpu: null
    memory: null
  resources: nul


The following values are exposed by the Helm Chart. Unless specified as Required, values should only be overridden as made necessary by your specific environment.

Key Type Default Description
additionalEnvironmentVariables list
Defines any additional environment variables to add to the resulting pod.
affinity pod.affinity
Defines Node Affinity configurations to add to the Pod(s).
allowNonTrustedServerCertificate bool
Indicates whether to allow non-trusted server certificates. NOTE: If Fortify Connect is in use, this must be set to `true`
containerSecurityContext pod.containers[*].securityContext
Defines security context configurations to add to the API container.
customResources object
  "enabled": false,
  "resources": {}
Defines Kubernetes resources to be installed and configured as part of the Helm chart. If you provide any resources, you must provide them as quoted using '|', and set customResources.enabled to true.
customResources.enabled bool
Indicates whether to enable custom resource creation.
customResources.resources Kubernetes YAML
Defines custom resources to generate.
dastApiServiceURL string
Specifies the URL of the Fortify ScanCentral DAST API service. This setting is used to reach Fortify ScanCentral DAST API over HTTP/HTTPS.
datastore.additionalEnvironmentVariables list
Defines any additional environment variables to add to the Pod.
datastore.image.digest string
Version of the docker image to pull in digest format. Takes precedence over image.tag, if both declared.
datastore.image.pullPolicy string
Image pull behavior.
datastore.image.repository string
Specifies the location from which to pull the SQL Server Docker image.
datastore.image.tag string
Specifies the version of the SQL Server image to pull.
datastore.mssqlStorage.sizeLimit String
Sets the maximum internal storage size for SQL Server.
datastore.resources.limits.cpu string
Specifies the maximum amount of compute that can be consumed by pod. MUST match value used for request.
datastore.resources.limits.ephemeral-storage string
Specifies the maximum amount of storage space available to datastore before pod is evicted.
datastore.resources.limits.memory string
datastore.resources.requests.cpu string
Specifies the minimum amount of compute that the pod is guaranteed to receive
datastore.resources.requests.ephemeral-storage string
Specifies the guaranteed amount of storage space allocated to datastore.
datastore.resources.requests.memory string
Specifies the minimum amount of memory that the pod is guaranteed to receive
disableAdvancedScanPrioritization bool
Whether to disable advanced scan prioritization.
enableRestrictedScanSettings bool
Whether to enable restricted scan settings.
fullnameOverride string
Overrides the fully qualified app name of the release.
healthCheckPort int
container port used for health checks
image.digest string
Specifies the version of the DAST scanner Docker image to pull in digest format. This setting takes precedence over image.tag, if both are declared.
image.pullPolicy string
Specifies the image pull behavior for the DAST scanner Docker image.
image.repository string
Specifies the Docker repository from which to pull the DAST scanner image.
image.tag string
Specifies the version of the DAST scanner image to pull.
imagePullSecrets list
Specifies a list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images used by the current release.
nameOverride string
Overrides the name of this chart.
nodeSelector pod.nodeSelector
Defines Node selection constraint configurations to add to the Pods.
podAnnotations pod.annotations
Defines annotations to add to the Pods.
podLabels pod.labels
Defines labels to add to the Pods.
podSecurityContext pod.securityContext
Defines security context configurations to add to Pods.
replicas int
Specifies the number of Pods to deploy.
resources.limits.cpu string
Specifies the maximum amount of compute that can be consumed by pod. MUST match value used for request.
resources.limits.ephemeral-storage string
Specifies the maximum amount of storage space available to datastore before pod is evicted.
resources.limits.memory string
Specifies the maximum memory that can be consumed prior to pod eviction.
resources.requests.cpu string
Specifies the minimum amount of compute that the pod is guaranteed to receive.
resources.requests.ephemeral-storage string
Specifies the guaranteed amount of storage space allocated to datastore.
resources.requests.memory string
Specifies the minimum amount of memory that the pod is guaranteed to receive
retainCompletedScans bool
WIndicates whether to retain completed scans
scandataStorage.sizeLimit String
Sets the maximum amount of temporary data that can be stored for a scan. This setting must be less than or equal to the amount of ephemeral storage defined in resources.requests.ephemeral-storage.
scannerDescription string
Provides a scanner description to add to the scanner container environment.
scannerPoolID string
Specifies the scanner pool ID.
scannerType string
ScannerType to add to Scanner container environment.
serviceTokenSecretKey string
Specifies the name of the key in the secret hosting the service token.
serviceTokenSecretName Opaque
Specifies the name of the secret hosting the service token.
tolerations pod.tolerations
Defines Toleration configurations to add to the Pods.
topologySpreadConstraints pod.topologySpreadConstraints
Defines how the Pods are spread across your cluster among failure-domains such as regions, zones, nodes, and other user-defined topology domains.
wise.additionalEnvironmentVariables list
Defines any additional environment variables to add to the Pod.
wise.image.digest string
Specifies the version of the WebInspect script engine (WISE) Docker image to pull in digest format. This setting takes precedence over image.tag, if both are declared.
wise.image.pullPolicy string
Specifies the image pull behavior for the WISE Docker image.
wise.image.repository string
Specifies the Docker repository from which to pull the WISE image.
wise.image.tag string
Specifies the version of the WISE image to pull.
wise.resources.limits.cpu string
Specifies the maximum amount of compute that can be consumed by pod. MUST match value used for request.
wise.resources.limits.memory string
Specifies the maximum memory that can be consumed prior to pod eviction.
wise.resources.requests.cpu string
Specifies the minimum amount of compute that the pod is guaranteed to receive.
wise.resources.requests.memory string
Specifies the minimum amount of memory that the pod is guaranteed to receive.