Understanding Basic Filters in Tables
Basic filtering enables you to filter on certain columns of data in the Scans and Settings List tables.
You can filter data in the Scans table by application, version, name, or URL. You can also filter by scan start date, end date, date range, scan status, publish status, or a combination thereof.
You can filter data in the Settings List table by name, application, or version. You can also filter by scan start date, end date, date range, scan type, or a combination thereof.
Additionally, you can combine filtering by application, version, name, or URL with date, scan status, publish status, or scan type.
The following guidelines apply to basic filtering:
You can use partial words for filtering. For example, using the filter criteria "che" includes the application named "OnlineParcheesi" and scans named "Allchecks" in the filter results.
You cannot use wildcard characters, such as the asterisk (*), as placeholders.
You cannot use regular expressions.
See Also