Deploying the Kubernetes Metrics Server

Before you can deploy the WebInspect script engine (WISE) Docker container, you must deploy the Kubernetes Metrics Server to handle horizontal auto scaling for the Kubernetes WISE pods. The Metrics Server measures resource allocations, such as CPU and RAM, for nodes and pods. It provides information for Kubernetes Wise pods horizontal auto scaling to increase the number of pods during loading or decrease the number to the wise.replicas.min setting when there is no loading. For more information, see Understanding the Parameters for WISE Deployment.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have downloaded and configured the prerequisite software. For more information, see Downloading kubectl and Helm.

Deploying the Metrics Server

For Azure Kubernetes, the Metrics Server is installed by default. For local Kubernetes cluster installation, however, this component may need to be installed manually.

To deploy the Metrics Server to Kubernetes:

Confirming the Metrics Server Installation

To confirm that the Metrics Server exists and is working:

  1. Enter the following in PowerShell:

    kubectl top nodes

    You should see a response similar to the following:

    NAME        CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%
    rbp-main    141m         3%     1550Mi          19%
    rbp-node1   45m          0%     1476Mi          9%
    rbp-node2   47m          0%     1519Mi          9%
  2. Enter the following:

    kubectl top po

    You should see a response similar to the following:

    NAME                                       CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
    wise-cluster-deployment-7747bb68b5-7q8m7   2m           96Mi
    wise-cluster-deployment-7747bb68b5-wl79m   2m           99Mi

Note: You can use the kubectl top po command to return the CPU and memory metrics for the WISE pods after WISE has been installed as described in Deploying WISE in Kubernetes.