Deploying HAProxy in Kubernetes

The HAProxy Kubernetes ingress controller provides a way to route traffic into your Kubernetes cluster while providing load balancing and other features.

Important! We recommend that the HAProxy ingress controller be deployed only by users who have experience configuring and managing Kubernetes clusters.

For more information, refer to your Kubernetes documentation.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have downloaded and configured the prerequisite software. For more information, see Downloading kubectl and Helm.

Guideline for Configuring HAProxy in Azure

ScanCentral DAST integration with Kubernetes does not require an external or public IP address. Use caution with your ingress controller configuration to ensure that you do not expose the ingress controller into the Internet. This exposure will not happen in local Kubernetes clusters. However, an Azure ingress controller could be exposed to the Internet using a public IP address.

To prevent using a public IP address in Azure, use the following command for HAProxy Helm install:

--set-string controller.service.annotations.'service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-internal'=true

For details about using an ingress controller with restricted public access in Azure, refer to Microsoft documentation.

Deploying HAProxy Ingress Controller

To deploy the HAProxy ingress controller:

To confirm that the HAProxy ingress has started: