Path: Port 8443 Filr Administration Console
Table 2-3 Using the Sign In dialog
Field, Option, or Button
Information and/or Action
User ID:
First-time login: The username you specified in Specify the First Search Appliance, Locale, and Admin user in the OpenText Filr 23.3: Installation, Deployment, and Upgrade Guide. The default is admin.
Specify the First Search Appliance, Locale, and Admin user
Subsequent login: The name of the built-in Filr administrator (default is admin), or a directly assigned administrator.
First-time login: Enter the username.
You are then prompted to change the password.
Subsequent login: Administrative user password set above or changed in the Profile.
Change Password
First-time login only
Type the current password, which is the username.
Type and confirm a new, more secure password.
Path: Port 9443 Appliance Console
Table 2-4 Port 9443 Sign In dialog
Enter either vaadmin or root.
Type the password for vaadmin or root