The first column of the standard report has the heading TY. Its value is the record type, taken from the following list:
ST | Start Transaction |
CB | Commit Begin |
CE | Commit End |
RO | Rollback Transaction |
DE | Delete (record) |
RW | Rewrite |
WR | Write |
OP | Open (Opens an existing file) |
MA | Make (Creates or Recreates a file during an OPEN operation) |
CL | Close |
CP | Copy |
RN | Rename |
RM | Remove (file) |
The other columns are as follows:
PID | ID of process which wrote the record |
Term | Name of terminal used by the runtime |
User | User name of owner of the runtime |
Client | Host name of machine running the runtime, the client machine when using AcuServer |
Date/Time | Date and Time the event occurred |
File ID | Unique identifier of the file |
File Name | Name of file being opened, created, recreated, deleted, renamed, or copied |
The PID is usually less than six characters on UNIX machines. On Windows, however, the PID can be a long negative number. In order for the output file to fit within 80 columns, all PID numbers are truncated to show only the right-most six characters.
If the -l option is used:
Location | Byte offset of the record in the log file |
Length | Length of the log record |