List of Errors


$ELSE without a corresponding $IF
$END without a corresponding $IF

Either $ELSE or $END was encountered, and there is no corresponding $IF.


%s: a section and a paragraph have the same name 

A section name may be the same as a data name, but must otherwise be a unique user-defined word.

%s and %s must be the same size
%s cannot be moved to ALPHABETIC
%s cannot be moved to ALPHANUMERIC
%s cannot be moved to ALPHANUMERIC EDITED
%s cannot be moved to NUMERIC
%s cannot be moved to NUMERIC EDITED
%s contains no input fields

You have attempted to ACCEPT a screen item that includes no TO or USING phrase.

%s: Data item > 64K illegal here
%s: data item exceeds 2GB

The maximum data item size in ACUCOBOL-GT is 2 GB. See Large Data Handling, in the ACUCOBOL-GT Reference Manual. For a list of compiler limits, see Limits and Ranges.

%s expected, %s found
%s: File record exceeds 64MB

The maximum record size allowed in ACUCOBOL-GT programs compiled to Version 6.0 object format or later is 64 megabytes. See Limits and Ranges for more information.

%s: File record exceeds 32K

The maximum record size allowed in ACUCOBOL-GT programs compiled to Version 5.2 or earlier object format is 32 kilobytes.

%s ignored for OPEN INPUT
%s: illegal level 77

Level-number 77 entries may not have subordinate items except for level 88 items.

%s: incorrect number of arguments
%s: incorrect size for KEY AREA

The KEY AREA must be in multiples of seven.

%s is ambiguous

The name here could be interpreted to be more than one thing.

'%s' is an invalid destination

Data cannot be stored in a literal value.

%s is not a KEY of %s

SEARCH ALL requires that the compared item be referenced in the KEY IS phrase in the OCCURS clause of the searched table.

'%1' is not a property or method of 'CLASS %2' 
%s is not a START key of %s
%s is not numeric
%s: key must not be in a table

The data item specified in the KEY phrase of a SORT or MERGE statement may not be subordinate to an OCCURS clause.

%s may not be used as a CODE-SET

A Format 2 Alphabet entry may be used in a COLLATING SEQUENCE phrase, but not in a CODE SET phrase.

%s may not belong to %s

Key-table of the KEY AREA phrase of the SORT verb must name a data item that is not located in the record for sort-file.

In an INSPECT CONVERTING statement, the convert-string must be the same length as the compare-string.

'%1' must be a 'get' property of '%2'
'%1' must be a 'put' property or method of '%2'
%s must belong to %s

The data item specified in the KEY phrase of a SORT or MERGE statement must be a data item in the record description associated with sort-file.

%s: must have only one value for SEARCH ALL

A level 88 referenced in a SEARCH ALL statement may not specify a series or a range in its VALUE clause.

%s: needs INDEXED BY phrase in declaration

The subject of a SEARCH statement must be a data item that contains an OCCURS clause including an INDEXED BY phrase.

%s: no FALSE value defined

You cannot SET cond-name TO FALSE unless cond-name has a WHEN SET TO FALSE phrase associated with its defining level 88 entry.

%s not a key of %s
%s: not a table

The subject of a SEARCH statement must be a data item that contains an OCCURS clause including an INDEXED BY phrase.

%s not allowed here
%s not an ALPHABET name

You have attempted to use something in a place where an ALPHABET name must be specified. It has not been defined to be an ALPHABET name.

%s: not defined
%s was used in a $IF, but is not defined either with a level 78 item or
	 with a "/CONSTANT" compile switch.
%s not unique in first 18 characters

You have compiled with the -Fx option. The object file was generated, but a data dictionary could not be built, for the reason listed below. Remove the error condition and recompile to obtain a data dictionary.

This message occurs if a field name is not unique within the first 18 characters. The "%s" is the name found. You can either change the field name or apply the NAME directive.

%s: Procedure name not unique

The paragraph or section you are trying to ALTER, GO TO, or PERFORM has been defined more than once in the program.

%s record larger than %s record

In the USING phrase of the SORT or MERGE statement, in-file records may not be larger than sort-file records. In the GIVING phrase, sort-file records may not be larger than out-file records.

%s: requires version %s runtime

Some compiler options (like -Z4 and -Z5) cause the compiler to generate an object file that can be run on a version of the runtime that is older than the compiler you are using. These compiler options won't allow you to compile new features that the old runtime can't handle. When you attempt to compile such features into an object file for an older runtime, this error will be produced.

%s: Screen name not allowed in this context

You have attempted to use a form of the ACCEPT or the DISPLAY verb that does not allow the use of a screen name from the Screen Section.

%s subject to DEPENDING ON phrase

If the source or receiving item for a screen entry has an OCCURS clause, it may not include the DEPENDING phrase.

%s: unknown XFD directive

You have compiled with the -Fx option. The object file was generated, but a data dictionary could not be built, for the reason listed below. Remove the error condition and recompile to obtain a data dictionary.

The compiler did not recognize the directive you used. The %s is the directive found. Check for a typographical error.

*** %s overflow ***

This table currently allows %s entries

Sorry, you cannot make this table any bigger!


You can increase this with the "-T%s" option

For example, you might try "-T%s %s"

The compiler uses several internal tables to which it has given an arbitrary maximum size. Your code requires a greater table size than the default. This message tells you which table maximum has been exceeded and whether you can try recompiling with an increased size. The tables are:

Table Compile Flag Default Value
Identifiers/statement - the maximum number of items in each statement td 4096
Subscripts/statement - the maximum size for OCCURS te 256

The compiler always suggests double the default value in the error message. Because higher values increase table size (using more memory), the values should not be set any bigger than they need to be.


ACCEPT FROM DATE only returns two-digit year data
ACCEPT FROM DAY only returns two-digit year data
ALL expected
ALL ignored here
ALL index not allowed here
alphanumeric value expected
ALTER para must start with GO TO: %s
Ambiguous identifier: %s

The identifier here could be interpreted to be more than one thing. If two group items use the same field name and the field is referred to in the program, the field name must be qualified by the name of the next higher group item with a unique name.

Ambiguous symbol: %s
Arithmetic expression expected
AT value must be 4 or 6 digits


Bad CHART STATUS definition
Bad CRT STATUS definition
Bad CURSOR definition
Bad picture
Bad picture for DATE: keyname

You have compiled with the -Fx option. The object file was generated, but a data dictionary could not be built, for the reason listed below. Remove the error condition and recompile to obtain a data dictionary.

The PICTURE in a DATE directive must be six or eight bytes in length, either alphanumeric or numeric with no sign.

Bad SCREEN CONTROL definition
Badly formed condition
Badly formed ID: %s

See User-defined Words in the ACUCOBOL-GT Reference Manual for information on rules for COBOL Words.

Badly formed number: %s

See User-defined Words for information on the rules for Numeric literals.

BY CONTENT parameters exceed maximum size

For Version 7.0 and earlier, the maximum parameter size is 64K. For later versions, the maximum limit is 2GB.

BY expected

The REPLACE statement and the REPLACING phrase require the word BY.

BY VALUE parameter %s illegal size
BY VALUE parameter %s illegal type
BY VALUE parameter %s mis-aligned
BY VALUE parameter may not be a literal
BY VALUE parameter must be an integer


Can't recover from earlier error, Good bye!
CELL phrase used inconsistently

The CELL phrase appears in either the LINE or CLINE phrase, but not in both. Or, the CELL phrase appears in either the COL or CCOL phrase, but not in both. The CELL phrase must be specified in each of the LINE/CLINE or COL/CCOL phrases (or omitted from the pair).

Class already specified

The same category of data may not be specified more than once in the REPLACING phrase of an INITIALIZE statement.

Class name not allowed here: %s
Clause repeated
COMP-X/N item too large
Compilation aborted
Compiled screen description too large
Compiler error: Picture
Condition name not allowed here: %s
Conditional expression expected
Configuration: %s


Data item exceeds 2GB

The maximum data item size allowed in ACUCOBOL-GT programs is 2 GB. See Limits and Ranges for a list of compiler limits, .

Data item exceeds 64K

The maximum data item size allowed in ACUCOBOL-GT programs compiled to Version 5.2 or earlier object format is 32 kilobytes.

Data item not allowed here: %s
Data-item: Redefined data item with value moved

The compiler generates this error when it detects that a data item with value, already written into the object code, is being redefined too large for the current data segment. If compiled, the resulting COBOL object would attempt to force the runtime to write to memory it has not allocated, likely resulting in a crash.

Data missing from key segment keyname

You have compiled with the -Zx option. The object file was generated, but a data dictionary could not be built, for the reason listed below. Remove the error condition and recompile to obtain a data dictionary.

Some part of the named key could not be placed in the dictionary. This usually occurs because of filler. For example:

01  my-record.
    03  my-key.
        05  filler    pic xx.
        05  field-1   pic xx.

If my-key is declared as a record key, you will receive this error because the area of the key described by filler is not included in the dictionary. To correct this error, ensure that every character that is part of the key is included in some field that is part of the dictionary. Use an XFD to give a field name to each filler, to ensure that fillers are included.

01  my-record.
    03  my-key.
*(( xfd name=myfiller ))
        05  filler   pic xx.
        05  field-1  pic xx.
Dest may not be edited: %s
Different number of SYMBOLIC names and values

There must be a one-to-one correspondence between occurrences of name and number in the SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS clause of the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph.

Directive word too long: keyname

You have compiled with the -Fx option. The object file was generated, but a data dictionary could not be built, for the reason listed below. Remove the error condition and recompile to obtain a data dictionary.

With one exception, the words contained in a directive, including field names, cannot exceed 30 characters. The value of a WHEN directive may consist of up to 50 characters. You have exceeded the limit.

Disk full
Duplicate ACCESS
Duplicate ASSIGN
Duplicate ENTRY point name: %s

The ENTRY point name has already been used in this program.

Duplicate interface '%s'
Duplicate NOT %s phrase

Various NOT phrases may be used in the context of specific statements (READ ... NOT AT END, COMPUTE ... NOT ON SIZE ERROR). The compiler has encountered more than one such NOT phrase in a statement.

Duplicate paragraph name: %s

The paragraph or section you are trying to ALTER, GO TO, or PERFORM has been defined more than once in the section.

Duplicate RECORD KEY
Duplicate STATUS


edited item too large

The maximum edited data item size in ACUCOBOL-GT is 255 bytes.

ELSE, END-IF or '.' required after NEXT SENTENCE
END-PERFORM required

The compiler has encountered code in which a scope delimiter is required for a PERFORM statement.

Entry for product 'compiler' in file '%2' is corrupt

The license file contains garbled information about the compiler product. The compiler cannot be executed until the license file has been repaired. Contact Technical Support.

Error file name is the same as the source name

Your ccbl command has instructed the compiler to name one of its output files with the same name you've given for the source code file.

Error: input file is Vision format

You have specified a Vision format file as input to vutil -load. The source file must be the name of the binary, relative, or line sequential file. See Loading a File for more information.

Errors found, size information suppressed
EVALUATE nesting level exceeded

The maximum depth of EVALUATE statement nesting is 10 levels.

Evaluation version - expires %1/%2/%3
Exception handlers require recursion (-Zr)

EXIT SECTION must be used within a SECTION.

Expecting condition after NOT
EXTERNAL file in SAME AREA illegal

The REDEFINES clause and the EXTERNAL clause may not be applied to the same data item.

EXTERNAL name must be unique

The same name may not be given to more than one file or data item that is declared EXTERNAL within a program.

Extra segment exceeds 64K

The extra segment is that part of the object file that contains descriptors and other miscellaneous elements. This category is restricted to 64 KB. The main factor here is the number of different items that are referenced in the Procedure division.


FD already defined for file
Field xxx causes duplicate database data

This is a warning message that can appear if you compiled with the -Fx option. The data dictionary was built, and the interface will operate correctly. The warning informs you that your record definition should be restructured. Your current definition is set up in such a way that:

  • you have overlapping key fields, and
  • both keys must be represented in the database as separate items.

The interface will handle this situation correctly. It will keep the overlapping keys updated simultaneously, so that they always have the same value. However, the warning alerts you that you have the same data represented twice in the database. This is dangerous, because someone at the site might access the database via SQL and accidentally change only one of the keys.

Here's an example of the problem, and a description of how to correct it (the example assumes that both key-1 and key-2 have been declared as keys):

01 order-record.
   03  key-1.
       05  field-a         pic x(5).
       05  field-b         pic 9(5).
       05  key-2
       redefines field-b   pic x(3).

This example will generate the warning message.

Because key-2 is a key, it must also be represented in the XFD. It doesn't correspond exactly to any other data field, so it must be entered as a separate field in the XFD. In the COBOL view of the file, key-1 and key-2 overlap. But the requirements of XFD storage force the same data (known to COBOL as field-b) to be physically represented twice in the XFD. Any updates to the data from any ACUCOBOL-GT program will correctly update both fields. Updates from outside of ACUCOBOL-GT carry no such guarantee.

In this example, you can correct the situation by breaking field-b into two columns, so that key-2 corresponds exactly to another data field:

01 order-record.
   03  key-1.
       05  field-a           pic x(5).
       05  field-b.
           07  field-b1      pic x(3).
           07  field-b2      pic 9(2)
       05  key-2
          redefines field-b  pic x(3).
Figurative constant not allowed: %s

A figurative constant (zero, space, quote, etc.) cannot be used in this context.

Figurative constant not allowed here: %s
File %s in multiple areas

The named file appears in more than one SAME RECORD AREA clause.

File %s undefined

A file named in the I-O-CONTROL paragraph must be defined by a SELECT clause in the FILE-CONTROL paragraph.

File must be a SORT file
Floating-point literal not allowed here
Floating-point VALUE not allowed here
FOOTING larger than page size
FOOTING must be > 0

FROM, TO, and USING can be used only once each in a particular screen item description. USING cannot be used with either FROM or TO in the same description.

Function argument %s must be alphanumeric
Function argument %s must be numeric


GIVING data item for file %s is too small
GROUP expected after USE

You have compiled with the -Fx option. The object file was generated, but a data dictionary could not be built, for the reason listed below. Remove the error condition and recompile to obtain a data dictionary.

The use group directive must include both words.


ID greater than 60 characters: %s...

%s is truncated to 60 characters.

Identifier expected, %s found
Identifier unresolved: %s OF %s

An attempt to qualify an identifier, as in "field of record", failed. Check the spelling of the qualifier.

Illegal ACCESS


Illegal arithmetic expression

The BLANK WHEN ZERO clause can be used only for numeric or numeric edited elementary items. The picture of the item may not include "*" or "s".

Illegal class condition
Illegal clause(s) for sort file
Illegal color value

The FOREGROUND-COLOR and BACKGROUND-COLOR phrases take a literal in the range 0-7.

Illegal COMPRESSION value

The COMPRESSION factor may not be greater than 100.

Illegal condition
Illegal hex literal

Hexadecimal literals must consist of the digits "0"-"9" or "A"-"F".

Illegal indicator: '%s'

The indicator area of a COBOL line may contain " ", "-", "*", "$", "/", "D", or, in Terminal mode, "\D".

Illegal INITIALIZE item: %s

The destination may not contain a RENAMES clause.

Illegal JUSTIFIED clause

The JUSTIFIED clause can be applied only to alphabetic and alphanumeric data items. It must be applied to an elementary item, rather than to the group item.

Illegal KEY phrase

The KEY phrase of a READ statement can be used only with ORGANIZATION INDEXED files and cannot be used with a READ NEXT or a READ PREVIOUS.

Illegal level for OCCURS

The OCCURS clause may not be used on a level 01 or a level 88 item.

Illegal level number

A level 77 item cannot be included in the File Section or in the Screen Section. The Screen Section allows only levels 1-49 and level 78.

Illegal level number: %s
Illegal OCCURS value

In a Format 1 OCCURS, the table-size must be more than zero. Illegal or missing ASSIGN variable of %s

Illegal or missing BOTTOM variable of %s
Illegal or missing DEPENDING ON variable of %s
Illegal or missing FOOTING variable of %s
Illegal or missing KEY variable of %s
Illegal or missing LINAGE variable of %s
Illegal or missing PADDING variable of %s
Illegal or missing STATUS variable of %s
Illegal or missing TOP variable of %s
Illegal parameter: %s
Illegal parameter: literal

Generated by the compiler if low-values or other figurative constants are passed to ActiveX or COM methods or properties as parameters where the method or property expects a by reference parameter: This is the same error message you get when passing a figurative constant as a USING parameter in a CALL statement. One way to tell that the ActiveX/COM method expects a by reference parameter is by viewing the entry in the COPY file for that control or object. If the type has BYREF or if the numeric value divided by 16384 is odd, then you may not pass a figurative constant.

Illegal picture: %s
Illegal POINTER: %s
Illegal receiver for source type: %s

The compiler has encountered an illegal MOVE.

Illegal replacement size: %s

In an INSPECT REPLACING statement, the replace-string must be the same length as the target-string.

Illegal SD clause: %s
Illegal sign condition

The sign condition can be applied only to an arithmetic expression.

Illegal SIGN/USAGE for file with CODE-SET
Illegal source type for CONVERSION
The compiler will allow MOVE WITH CONVERSION only of alphanumeric items.
Illegal statement in current declarative

Occurs when a program attempts to execute a disallowed statement in the context of a USE FOR REPORTING declarative or a file declarative that has been triggered by a status 22 for a file open with BULK-ADDITION. In both of these cases, the declarative is triggered as part of the file operation (instead of after the operation completes) and several restrictions apply. The program may not perform any file operations or start or stop any run units (including chaining). In addition, the program that contains the declarative may not perform an EXIT PROGRAM.

Note: The program continues running after printing this statement (halting the program at this point would corrupt the data file).

This error message indicates a programming error that should be corrected. There is no way to disable the error message. You can find the offending statement by running the program under the debugger. When the statement executes, the runtime will break to the debugger with this message and place the cursor at the statement.

Illegal table size: %s

Your compiler command line has specified an illegal value for a user-resizable table ( -ta, -tb, etc.). See the internal table list near the beginning of this topic.

illegal USAGE
Inconsistent picture
INDEXED key not in record: %s

The key to an Indexed record must be defined within the record.

INDEXED key outside of smallest record: %s

In an Indexed file with variable record size, the offset of the end of the key must be within the bounds of the smallest possible record size. Multiple record definitions (01 levels) within a file description may generate a variable length record file.

Indexing not allowed in this context
Interface definition '%s' not found
*** Internal error #%s ***

The compiler has encountered a syntax error for which it does not have a useful descriptive message. Anytime you get such a message from the compiler, notify Technical Support. If we are already aware of your particular syntax problem, we can tell you what to fix in your source. We may even have a more recent version of the compiler that detects the error more elegantly. If we have not been made aware of this oversight, your call will allow us to find and correct it.

INTO identifier may not be reference modified

In a STRING ... INTO statement, the destination may not be in the form "... INTO dest-field ( 2 : 4 )". If you want to start modifying the destination field at a position other than the leftmost, use the POINTER phrase.

Invalid CODE-SET file type

CODE-SET may be specified in the FD of sequential files only.

Invalid CLSID '%s'
Invalid directive syntax
The $SET directive was used incorrectly.
Invalid GIVING data item for file %s
INVALID KEY illegal in this context

The INVALID KEY phrase of the DELETE statement may not be used with a file declared ACCESS MODE SEQUENTIAL. The INVALID KEY phrase of the REWRITE statement may not be used for ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL or ORGANIZATION RELATIVE files if either uses ACCESS MODE SEQUENTIAL.

Invalid switch number: %s

The switch named in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph must be one of SWITCH-1 through SWITCH-26, SWITCH 1 through SWITCH 26, or SWITCH "A" through SWITCH "Z".

Invalid syntax in COPY statement


Key bigger than 250 bytes: %s

The maximum indexed key size in ACUCOBOL-GT is 250 bytes.

KEY must be first: %s

More than one KEY IS phrase is allowed in each OCCURS clause. If one KEY IS phrase references the data-name of the entry that contains the OCCURS clause, it must be the first KEY IS phrase in the clause.

KEY not found in table: %s

The key named in the KEY IS phrase of the OCCURS clause must be contained within the table.


Large REDEFINES of a regular variable with a value: %1 redefines %2
LENGTH ignored in this context
License file '%s' inaccessible

The license file cannot be located. The message displays the name of the license file that the compiler is trying to locate. The compiler cannot execute without a valid license file.

License file '%s' is invalid
LINAGE must be > 0
LINAGE required for END-OF-PAGE processing
LINAGE requires SEQUENTIAL organization
LINAGE-COUNTER is a reserved data item
LINKAGE not listed in USING: %s

An item defined in the Linkage Section is not referenced in the USING phrase of the Procedure Division statement.

Listing file name is the same as the source name

Your ccbl command has instructed the compiler to name one of its output files with the same name you've given for the source code file.

literal expected
Literal must be alphanumeric
Literal too long

Prior to version 1.5, an ALL literal not associated with another data item had to be a single character.


May not be a SEQUENTIAL file

A Format 1 DELETE statement may not be used on a file with ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL. May not be alphanumeric: %s

May not be alphanumeric edited: %s
May not be edited: %s
May not be floating-point: %s
May not be numeric: %s
May not be numeric edited: %s
May not INQUIRE on style %s

You may not use a style name in the INQUIRE statement. You can only inquire the value of an element of a control. Because styles do not have values, using a style name with INQUIRE is not meaningful.

May not modify or invoke ActiveX Controls in DISPLAY
May not specify both LINES and SIZE

While it is acceptable to specify both height and length for a BOX, a LINE can have only one dimension.

meaningless WHEN phrase
Mismatching OCCURS structure

If an OCCURS clause applies to a screen entry with TO or USING, the receiving item must have an OCCURS of the same number. With FROM, the source item must have an OCCURS of the same number or no OCCURS at all.

Missing ')'
Missing ASSIGN clause
Missing closing quote

A quoted string must have both opening and closing quotes.

Missing continuation line quote

If a continued line ends with a nonnumeric literal without a closing quotation mark, the first non blank character in Area B of the continuation line must be a quotation mark.

Missing COPY file: '%s'

The filename specified after the word COPY is not found in the directory in which it is expected. Consider whether it is spelled correctly, or check your COPYPATH environment variable.

Missing COPY filename

The filename specified after the word COPY is not found. Consider putting the file name in quotes.

Missing directive
The $SET directive was used incorrectly.
Missing END-%s

Several statements in COBOL, among them IF, SEARCH, PERFORM, and EVALUATE, can have their scope delimited by the END- (END-IF, END-SEARCH, END-PERFORM) phrase. The compiler has encountered code in which such a scope delimiter is required.

Missing exponent

A digit in the range 0-9 must follow the E in a floating point literal.

Missing field name after WHEN

You have compiled with the -Fx option. The object file was generated, but a data dictionary could not be built, for the reason listed below. Remove the error condition and recompile to obtain a data dictionary.

A valid field name, or the word OTHER, must be specified with the when directive.

Missing KEY phrase in definition: %s
Missing library filename

The OF phrase of the COPY statement has no pathname specified.

Missing operand
Missing or invalid object expression
Missing PARA/SECTION" "Can't recover, good bye!
Missing period
Missing RECORD KEY clause
Missing SELECT for this file
Missing switch number

The switch named in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph must be one of SWITCH-1 through SWITCH-26, SWITCH 1 through SWITCH 26, or SWITCH "A" through SWITCH "Z".

Missing value
Missing WHEN phrase

The SEARCH statement and the EVALUATE statement always require a WHEN phrase.

Missing '=' in XFD directive

You have compiled with the -Fx option. The object file was generated, but a data dictionary could not be built, for the reason listed below. Remove the error condition and recompile to obtain a data dictionary.

The name directive requires an "=" sign. The when directive requires a comparison operator.

Mnemonic name required

Each system-name in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph must be associated with a mnemonic name.

Modification of %s not allowed

LINAGE-COUNTER may never be explicitly modified by the program.

Modification of screen item

It is not legal to ACCEPT or DISPLAY an item defined in the Screen Section using reference modification.

More subscripts needed: %s

An item subordinate to an OCCURS clause has been referenced with a number subscripts or indexes less than its level of nesting.

More than 64K of parameters illegal for this CALL
Multiple pictures
Multiple USE for %s mode

The INPUT, OUTPUT, I-O, and EXTEND phrases may each be specified in only one USE statement in a Procedure Division.

Multiple USE for file: %s

A particular file may not appear in more than one USE statement in a program.

Multiple USE for OBJECT
Must be a GROUP item: %s

Both the source and the destination of a MOVE CORRESPONDING statement must be group items.

Must be alphanumeric: %s
Must be in Working-Storage or Linkage: %s
Must be INDEXED file: %s
Must be integer: %s

A data item can be declared EXTERNAL only if it is defined in the Working Storage section. The item must be at level 01 or level 77. (Except for the ability to take subordinate items, level 77 is often implied where level 01 is specifically mentioned.)



Must be size 1 in this context: %s
Must not be subscripted: %s


Native character specified twice, ordinal value = %s

When you specify an ALPHABET in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph, each character may appear only once.

No entry for product 'compiler' in file '%2'

The license file does not contain an entry for the compiler product. The compiler cannot be executed until the license file is corrected. Contact Technical Support.

No FD for %s
No records defined for file
No SELECT for file: %s
Non-native object file produced
Not a condition-name: %s

Only level 88 items may be SET to TRUE or FALSE.

Not a file: %s

The USE statement must include INPUT, OUTPUT, I-O, and EXTEND or the name of a file described in the Data Division.

Not a record of a file: %s
Not a record of a SORT file: %s

The RELEASE statement may act only on the records of sort files.

NOT, END-ACCEPT or '.' required after NEXT SENTENCE
Null ENTRY point name

The program has used "" as an ENTRY point name.

number too large

The maximum numeric data item size in ACUCOBOL-GT is 18 digits.

Number too large: %s
Numeric literal not allowed here
NUMERIC test is constant, because of the type of variable being

The compiler issues this warning in cases where the item being tested is a binary item. This test should always return TRUE for binary items, since binary items can't be non-numeric. You can optimize your COBOL program by removing constant tests.

numeric value expected
Numeric VALUE not allowed here


Object file name is the same as the source name

Your ccbl command has instructed the compiler to name one of its output files with the same name you've given for the source code file.

Object wrong type for subject

If the subject of an EVALUATE statement is, or can be evaluated to be, TRUE or FALSE, the object must be a phrase that is, or can be evaluated to be, TRUE or FALSE (e.g., EVALUATE TRUE WHEN a = b ..., or EVALUATE a > b WHEN FALSE ...). Otherwise, the object must be something that would balance the subject in a conditional expression (e.g., EVALUATE field1 WHEN "a" ...).

OCCURS DEPENDING illegal in Screen Section
OCCURS DEPENDING must be last in group: %s
Offset too large: %s

When you are using a subscript of the form (data-item + integer), the integer can be no greater than 32767.

Only 1 level of OCCURS allowed

Nested OCCURS are not permitted in the Screen Section.

Operation has no effect
*** Out of Main Memory! ***


Pic 'V' illegal in COMP-X/N

COMP-X and COMP-N items can be defined with only '9' or only 'X' symbols.

PICTURE and/or VALUE clash in Screen Section

The PICTURE and VALUE clauses may not both be specified for the same screen description entry, either explicitly or implicitly by the use of FROM, TO, or USING.

Picture required for floating-point in this context

A screen item must have a picture. If you are using a FLOAT item with USING or FROM, give it a picture within the Screen Section.

Picture too long

The maximum picture string in ACUCOBOL-GT is 100 characters.

Pixel AT value must be 8 digits

When using the AT verb together with the PIXEL verb, 8 digits are mandatory to specify the position, or the variable being used must be a PIC 9(8).

Positive integer required

The value for this field must be greater than zero and include no decimal fraction. A subscript or index must be a positive integer.

PREVIOUS illegal for sequential file


Procedure name not allowed here: %s
Procedure name required

GO TO must always be followed by a paragraph or section name.

Program code exceeds 1MB

The maximum size of the code portion of an ACUCOBOL-GT object file is 1 MB. The size of the program code is largely determined by the size of the Procedure division of the program. If you cannot streamline the instructions in the Procedure division to fit within this restriction, you might split the logic into two programs, one called by the other.

Program data exceeds 32 segments

The 1 MB restriction on the program data is monitored in terms of segments. The factors determining this size are as described above.

Program data exceeds 64K

The maximum size of the data portion of an ACUCOBOL-GT object file for any version prior to 1.5 is 64 KB. Thus, this restriction might be encountered when you are using the -Z4 compiler option. Starting with Version 1.5, the maximum program data size is 1 MB. The size of the data is basically the sum of the sizes of the items in the data division (including File Descriptions) and of the literal strings used within the program (including the Procedure Division).

Program-wide CURSOR already defined

The CURSOR phrase of the ACCEPT statement may not be specified if a CURSOR phrase is specified in the program's Configuration Section.


Radio Buttons cannot have array elements in a VALUE or USING phrase

This error is generated at the occurrence of a radio button control in the screen section whose VALUE (or USING) is an array. This is not allowed due to the internal functionality of how data is copied to COBOL data items once the screen section terminates.

Record belongs to SORT file: %s

WRITE and REWRITE statements may not apply to records of files described with an SD rather than an FD in the File Section.

REDEFINES not allowed in Screen Section
REDEFINES of an OCCURS item illegal under ANSI
Reference modification of numeric function is illegal
Reference modifier illegal in this context
Reference modifier out of range

Using reference modification, either the start position is beyond the end of the referenced item, or the calculated end position would be.

RELATIVE key in record: %s

The key to a Relative record must be defined outside of the record.

RELATIVE Key is required

A relative key must be indicated if ACCESS DYNAMIC or ACCESS RANDOM MODE is specified.

RELATIVE key must be PIC 9: %s
REMAINDER may not be used if any operand is External Floating-Point
Repeated OCCURS
REPLACING not allowed on nested COPY
RETURN-CODE is a reserved data item


Screen item subject to OCCURS

It is not legal to ACCEPT or DISPLAY an item defined in the Screen Section with or subordinate to an OCCURS clause.

SEARCH ALL must have only one WHEN
SEARCH statement missing WHEN phrase
A SEARCH statement must have a WHEN phrase.
SECTION required

The use of Declaratives is part of a Format 1 Procedure Division. The Format 1 Procedure Division requires the use of Sections.

Segment %s exceeds 64K

When you are using segmentation, an individual segment may not be larger than 64 KB.

Segments must be in order

When segment numbers are used on the SECTION header, they must be used in ascending order.

SELECT for this file inconsistent with a SORT file
SIZE or LINES phrase required

A DISPLAY LINE statement requires that either the length or height be specified.

Sorry, multiple TALLYING counters not supported
Sorry, this compiler may not be used on a stand-alone basis

Some of our customers are licensed to include a limited-use version of the ACUCOBOL-GT compiler in their software application for sale to their own customers. Any attempt to activate such a compiler from the command line, rather than from inside the application, will produce an error.

SORT file not allowed here

A Sort file is a file described with an SD rather than an FD in the File Section.

Source name too long: %s
Special name not allowed here: %s
START illegal for RANDOM ACCESS files
START illegal for SEQUENTIAL files
Statement too large at code address %s

The maximum Paragraph size in ACUCOBOL-GT is 32767 bytes. (A statement cannot be larger than the maximum paragraph.)

Status name not allowed here: %s
STATUS variable %s should be X(2)
String must be 1 character in context: '%s'
Style name not allowed here
Subscript may not be table item: %s

A data item used as a subscript may not itself be subordinate to an OCCURS clause.

Subscript out of bounds: %s

The subscript or index on a table entry is less than 1 or greater than the number in the OCCURS that defines the table.

Subscript required: %s

An item subordinate to an OCCURS clause has been referenced without a subscript or index.

Symbol not in LINKAGE: %s
Symbol not in WORKING-STORAGE: %s
SYMBOLIC name expected

The SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS clause of the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph must include at least one "name" naming a symbolic character.

SYMBOLIC value must be between 1 and %s

The number in the SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS clause of the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph must be in the range of ordinal positions in the alphabet being referenced.

SYNC not allowed in Screen Section
Syntax error
Syntax error: %s
syntax error scanning %s


This constant not allowed: %s
This evaluation copy of ACUCOBOL has expired!
Please call customer support if you would like to upgrade to a full
	 version or if you wish to extend your evaluation period.
TO value too small in OCCURS

The maximum value cannot be less than the minimum value for a Format 2 OCCURS clause.

Too few parameters: %1 required, %2 found
Too many ALPHABETS (max 100)
Too many delimiters (max 30)
Too many destinations (max 30)
Too many destinations (max 50)
Too many ENTRY points (max 65536)
The program has more than 65536 ENTRY statements.
Too many ENTRY point pages (max 65536)

It would take more than 65536 object file pages to write out the ENTRY point table.

Too many errors, compilation aborted

The compiler has a limit on the number of errors it will track on any one compile cycle. Please correct some of the errors encountered to this point, and try again.

Too many EXTERNAL items (max 256)
Too many files open by the current process

Vision returns this system error (30) when its attempt to create an additional file segment is stopped because the limit imposed by MAX_FILES has been reached. Error code is one of the following: 94,10; 97; or 97,10; depending on the setting of FILE-STATUS-CODES.

Too many INITIALIZE destinations (max 50)
Too many key segments (max 6)
Too many keys (max 120)
Too many level 01 linkage items (max 255)

The program has more than 255 level 01 linkage items.

Too many operands (max 60)
Too many parameters: %1 is the maximum, %2 found
Too many REPLACING operands (max %s)

For Version 7.0 and earlier, the maximum number is 30. For later versions, the maximum limit is 256.

Too many sending items (max 100)
Too many source items (max 50)
Too many subscripts: %s

An item subordinate to an OCCURS clause has been referenced with a number of subscripts or indexes greater than its level of nesting.

Too Many <symbols> (max <symbols>))

Generated if compiling for debug and the number of symbols is larger than 65535, or the number of bytes in all symbols is larger than 1048560. This latter limit only happens if compiling with -Znn with nn < 80.

Too many SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS in this clause (max 100)
Too many table dimensions (max 15)
Too many USING parameters (max 255)


Unable to find ''%s''
Undefined data item: %s

The data item referred to has not been defined in the Data Division.

Undefined procedure: %s

The paragraph or section you are trying to ALTER, GO TO, or PERFORM has not been defined in the program.

Undefined procedure: %s OF %s

The paragraph or section you are trying to ALTER, GO TO, or PERFORM does not exist in the program within the qualifier you have specified for it.

Unknown mode: %s

As part of our compatibility with other dialects of COBOL, the ACUCOBOL-GT compiler allows the use of the RECORDING MODE clause. Only "F", "V", "S" and "U" modes are permitted.

Unknown reserved word: %s
Unknown special name: %s

The mnemonic-name in a Format 6 ACCEPT statement or in a Format 9 DISPLAY statement has not been defined in the Special-Names paragraph.

Unknown switch: %s

The switch named in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph must be one of SWITCH-1 through SWITCH-26, SWITCH 1 through SWITCH 26, or SWITCH "A" through SWITCH "Z".

Unmatched ELSE

The ELSE phrase must always be used in a one-to-one relationship with IF in an IF statement.

Unmatched END-%s

Several statements in COBOL, among them IF, SEARCH, PERFORM, and EVALUATE, can have their scope delimited by the END- (END-IF, END-SEARCH, END-PERFORM) phrase. Such END- phrases must exist in matched pairs with their companion verbs. The compiler has encountered such a scope delimiter, but found no matching verb preceding it.

Unmatched NOT %s phrase

Various NOT phrases may be used in the context of specific statements (READ ... NOT AT END, COMPUTE ... NOT ON SIZE ERROR). The compiler has encountered such a NOT phrase outside of its proper statement.

Unsupported operation
USAGE conflict
USE statement missing
USING parameter <name> not aligned and may cause problems in the
	 called subprogram

This is a warning message that can be generated if compiling with the -Wa option. This warns that a passed parameter is a group or is binary, and whose alignment is not an even multiple of the alignment specified by the -Da# option.

USING parameter <name> is not an 01-level item

This is a warning message that can be generated if compiling with the -W1 option. The ANSI COBOL standard requires that parameters passed to subprograms be 01-level items. ACUCOBOL-GT does restrict them as such; however, there are valid reasons for restricting their use. See Compiler and Runtime in the ACUCOBOL-GT User's Guidefor details on this warning message.


VALUE illegal on item > 64K

External data items may not have a VALUE phrase.


A Format 1 VALUE clause may not appear on a data item that is subordinate to a REDEFINES clause.

Value must be 80 or 132

The DISPLAY SCREEN SIZE statement must specify either an 80-column or a 132-column display.

Value should be a name: %s

You have compiled with the -Fx option. The object code was generated, but a data dictionary could not be built, for the reason listed below. Remove the error condition and recompile to obtain a data dictionary.

This error occurs when the item to the right of an "=" should be a name and it isn't. For example, it would be an error to use a quoted string with the "name" directive: $XFD NAME="some text".

The "%s" in the message is the value found.

Value should be numeric: %s

You have compiled with the -Fx option. The object code was generated, but a data dictionary could not be built, for the reason listed below. Remove the error condition and recompile to obtain a data dictionary.

This error occurs when the item to the right of an "=" should be numeric and it isn't. The "%s" in the message is the value found.

Value should be a literal: %s

You have compiled with the -Fx option. The object code was generated, but a data dictionary could not be built, for the reason listed below. Remove the error condition and recompile to obtain a data dictionary.

This error occurs when the item to the right of an "=" should be a literal and it isn't. The %s in the message is the value found. A literal is either a quoted string or a numeric integer.

VALUE size error: %s

All literals used in a VALUE clause must have a value which falls within the range of allowed values for the item's PICTURE clause. Nonnumeric literals may not exceed the size of the item. Numeric items must have numeric literals. Alphabetic, alphanumeric, group, and edited items must have nonnumeric literals.

VALUE specified for group

When a VALUE clause is applied to a group item, no subordinate item may contain a VALUE clause.

Value too large for context: %s

The number you are using is too large. There are many cases in which 64 KB is the maximum size.

VALUE too long: %s

The maximum length for a floating point literal is 30.

VALUE type error: %s

All literals used in a VALUE clause must have a value within the range of allowed values for the item's PICTURE clause. Nonnumeric literals may not exceed the size of the item. Numeric items must have numeric literals. Alphabetic, alphanumeric, group, and edited items must have nonnumeric literals.

Variable file name requires "File" directive

You have compiled with the -Fx option. The object code was generated, but a data dictionary could not be built, for the reason listed below. Remove the error condition and recompile to obtain a data dictionary.

This message occurs when the compiler cannot assign a name to the .xfd file because the ASSIGN phrase for the file names a variable file name. In this case, you must use a file directive to name the .xfd file.

Verb expected, %s found


Warning: -Dcm ignored when using -Z%s

The data storage option -Dcm is being ignored because you are generating object code for a runtime version that does not support that storage convention.

Warning: -Dcn ignored when using -Z%s

The NCR sign coding convention indicated by -Dcn requires a Version 2.4 or later runtime. The -Dcn flag has been ignored by the compiler.

Warning: cannot generate native code from pre-5.0 object, '-Z%1' flag
Warning: COLLATING SEQUENCE ignored for non-INDEXED files
Warning: native code not supported on current host, '-n' ignored
Warning: PADDING CHARACTER ignored for non-SEQUENTIAL files
Warning: Paragraph Name found in Area B.
WHEN OTHER must be last

No other WHEN phrase may follow WHEN OTHER in an EVALUATE statement.

WHEN subject may not be reference modified

SEARCH ALL does not allow the compared item to be reference modified.

WHEN unexpected
WHEN variable xxx not found in record

You have compiled with the -Fx option. The object code was generated, but a data dictionary could not be built, for the reason listed below. Remove the error condition and recompile to obtain a data dictionary.

This happens if you have a when directive that mentions a variable that doesn't exist in the record.

WHEN, END-SEARCH or '.' required after NEXT SENTENCE
Writing %s code
Wrong number of parameters: %1 expected, %2 found