Retrieves the stylesheet and other processing instructions from the XML file.


CALL "C$XML" USING CXML-GET-PROC-INSTR, handle, idx, target, data


CXML-GET-PROC-INSTR Op-code 37. Numeric data item that specifies the operation to perform. Each operation is defined in acucobol.def, which is included with your system.
handle USAGE handle
idx pic 9(n) or numeric literal
target pic x(n)
data pic x(n)

On Entry:

handle A parser handle.

On Exit:

target Data item that is where the processing instruction target is returned. This data is space-filled from what is read from the file.
data Data item that is where the processing instruction data is returned. This data is space-filled from what is read from the file.


Processing instructions are composed of a target and data, and there can be multiple instructions in a given XML file. The target is the first word of the instruction line, and the data is the rest of the line. For example, given the following XML snippet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="svg_default.css"?>
<!-- testit.xml - generated by Micro Focus-->

there is a single processing instruction (the stylesheet line). The target is the first word (xml-stylesheet), and the data is the rest of the information, not including the question marks (?): type="text/css" href="svg_default.css".