Adds a new attribute.
CALL "C$XML" USING CXML-ADD-ATTRIBUTE, handle, attr-name, attr-value, attr-value-len
CXML-ADD-ATTRIBUTE | Op-code 29. Numeric data item that specifies the operation to perform. Each operation is defined in acucobol.def, which is included with your system. |
handle | USAGE handle |
attr-name | Literal or pic x(n) |
Optional |
Literal or pic x(n) |
(Optional) |
Numeric literal or pic x(n) |
handle | An element handle. |
attr-value | The new attribute value, of length attr-value-len (if given) or the length of the data element given as the attr-name. |
attr-value-len | (Optional) The length of the new attribute value. |
RETURN-CODE | The index of the new attribute, or “0” on error. |
working-storage section. 01 parser-handle usage is handle. 01 element-handle usage is handle. COPY "acucobol.def". procedure division. main-logic. *Create a new XML file call "C$XML" using CXML-NEW-PARSER move return-code to parser-handle. *Add a top element (using the name of the file) call "C$XML" using CXML-ADD-CHILD parser-handle "custRec" move return-code to element-handle. *Add some namespace information call "C$XML" using CXML-ADD-ATTRIBUTE element-handle "xmlns:xsi" "".