Retrieves the comment data.
CALL "C$XML" USING CXML-GET-COMMENT, handle, data, len
CXML-GET-COMMENT | Op-code 24. Numeric data item that specifies the operation to perform. Each operation is defined in acucobol.def, which is included with your system. |
handle | USAGE handle |
data | pic x(n) |
(Optional) |
pic x(n) |
handle | Is an element handle or parser handle. |
data |
Is returned as the comment for the handle. |
len | (If provided) is the length of the comment. |
is returned to the COBOL program as a single string:
where the \n is Hex 0A.
These are separated in the returned data item with low-values separating the different comments:
where the \0 is a single byte of low-values.