To successfully run an application through AcuToWeb, you need to configure both AcuConnect and AcuToWeb.
As long as all required components are installed and licensed correctly, you should be able to carry out the majority of the
configuration from the AcuToWeb control panel.
Access the control panel in one of the following ways:
- From the Extend Start Menu, click
AcuToWeb Control Panel 32-bit or
AcuToWeb Control Panel 64-bit.
- From the command prompt, type
AcuToWeb and press
Note: You need to run the AcuToWeb control panel as an administrator.
The following steps aim to get you up and running using as an example one of the extend sample programs running through AcuToWeb:
- Start the AcuToWeb Control Panel and click the
Access tab.
- Select the
AcuAccess file in the
etc directory and then create a new entry.
- Specify
acutoweb for the
Client Username and enter a valid user as the local user name.
- Click the
Alias tab and select the
acurcl.ini file in the
etc directory.
Note: If one is not present, create a new
acurcl.ini file.
- Click
New and type
Tour as the alias name.
- Enter
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Micro Focus\extend
x.x.x\sample\acubench\object as the
Working directory.
- Enter
Tour.acu as the
Command Line.
- Click the
Services tab, select the service (default 5632), then click
- On the
Gateway Services tab, click the existing entry (8008) and then click
- Browse to and select the
gateway.toml file in
AcuToWeb\conf sub-directory of your product installation directory.
- On the
Gateway Services tab, click
Start to start the gateway.
- Open a browser and load one of the following URLs: or enter
This starts the
Gateway Connection Setup dialog box.
- Type
Tour in the
Alias field.
- Click
The sample Tour program should appear in the browser.