This property sets the heights of rows in the grid. It accepts an array of positive, non-zero integers that specify the height in units of lines of text. If the number of rows is greater than the size of the array given for this property, the remaining rows default to a height of one line.
After some rows have had their heights initially set, subsequent attempts to modify row heights start with the first unset row.
An array containing zero resets all row heights to their default values.
Re-ordering rows results in the row height following. If the ADJUSTABLE-ROWS style is enabled and grid properties are saved to the registry, then resized rows remain as such. Otherwise, they default to the values specified in ROW-HEIGHTS.
The final height of a row is calculated as follows:
user-height * font-height (in pixels) + padding
Where user-height is the value supplied when setting the property.
If the total height of the grid is greater than the height of its container, the excess portion is not visible unless the user enables the V-SCROLL style and scrolls to view it.
ROW-HEIGHTS is a separate property from V-PADDING, and the two are added together when rendering the grid to get the Y coordinate of the next row. This might result in slightly taller rows than intended if this is ignored.
The top row (heading) is set to the default height, and rows 2 and 3 are set to the same larger height. All other rows are not explicitly set, and therefore are implicitly set to the default height:
ROW-HEIGHTS = (1, 3, 3) –
All rows are reset to their default heigh: