Before you run this tutorial, make sure you have or meet the following prerequisites:
Resource prerequisites:
- A web service - this tutorial uses a simple temperature conversion web service hosted by
- A web services client - you need to obtain metadata from the web service, in order to know how to construct the requests
and process responses. This tutorial uses SoapUI - an open-source web service testing application to obtain this information.
You can download the product from
- A client program - a program is required to initiate the initial HTTP requests, and display the HTTP responses received. This
tutorial uses a COBOL program called
TempConvert.cbl, located in
%PUBLIC%\documents\Micro Focus\extend 10.5.1\sample\rmnet, which already contains the required RMNet and XML Extensions syntax.
- A trusted root certificate - the client requests use the secure
https protocol, and therefore they require a trusted root CA certificate. The
ca-bundle.crt certificate, which is freely available and is supplied in the same directory as the COBOL client program, contains the required
key for the requests that you will make.
- The
XML Extensions reference documentation -
TempConvert.cbl uses a number of XML Extensions statements; this reference information explains the syntax in use.
Knowledge prerequisites:
- RMNet uses HTTP extensively. While it is not necessary to be an HTTP expert, this tutorial presumes familiarity with basic
HTTP terminology such as the HTTP methods GET and PUT, HTTP headers, and cookies. Several external web-based HTTP tutorials
are available to help you understand these concepts.
- This tutorial creates XSLT documents for creating SOAP requests and consuming SOAP responses, and so familiarity with basic
XSLT is presumed. Again, several external web-based XSLT tutorials are available.