The known issues and restrictions covered here are those not covered elsewhere in the documentation, or are of a temporary
nature and may be resolved in a later release.
- An Entry-field border color property does not show up inside AcuBench when using the Screen Painter.
- When using AcuBench to compile the
custmrsql.cbl sample program, a memory access violation (MAV) occurs. The
custmrsql.cbl sample has a hard coded path to a 9.0.0 copybook. Changing that path to your install path allows the program to compile correctly.
- An underline appears on the first tab of a tab control when the color is set.
- When the title position is set to bottom on a push button control with bitmaps, the push button appears trimmed in upper
right corner. When the title position is set to bottom on a push button control with a bitmap, the top upper right portion
of the bitmap appears white.
- After a successful START TRANSACTION, the transaction-status is reported as 99, indicating that transaction management is
not supported. Recent extend runtime installations include the RM/COBOL file handler (RMFM), which does not support transactions.
If your program does not rely on the RM/COBOL file handler, you can safely remove it from the runtime by setting the RMFM-DETACH
1 configuration variable. Either with or without the inclusion of the RM/COBOL file handler, the Vision file handler will
continue to process transactions as expected, but by removing RMFM, you will not receive the transaction-status 99.
- Some versions of Windows might ignore
WSE_SW_* values. In particular, Windows 11 passes the correct value to the appropriate application; however, applications ignore it.
This is a Windows issue that cannot be resolved in ACUCOBOL-GT.