acurcl -install

The acurcl -install command is for Windows servers only. It installs AcuConnect as a Windows service. Optional arguments to -install include:

Option Description
server Specifies the name of the server machine. If no server is specified, the server is assumed to be the local host.
-depends You can add Windows service dependencies to the installation of AcuConnect as a service. You may include multiple dependencies; simply use the -depends option for each one. The name of the service should be used as the argument following -depends on the command line.

For information on service dependencies, consult your Microsoft Windows documentation.

any valid -start options Any valid -start option can be used for -install. Note that these options are stored for service startup on this particular port. See acurcl -start for a list of -start options. For example, to run the service with the arguments -c "%PROGRAMDATA%\Micro Focus\extend\10.5.1\server1.cfg" -le c:\tmp\server1.log on startup, you would use the following -install command:
acurcl -install -c "%PROGRAMDATA%\Micro Focus\extend\10.5.1\server1.cfg" -le

Installing a service on a particular port resets all startup options for the service on that port. If no options are stored for a service, starting the server on a particular port automatically installs a service on that port and stores the options used. In other words, you can install and run a service with one set of arguments, and then occasionally run the service with different arguments by using acurcl -start.

If you plan to have multiple instances of the AcuConnect service running at the same time, each instance will have a unique name. The name of an installed service will be "AcuConnect X", where X is the port number. If you do not use the -n option, the name of the service will be "AcuConnect".

In a thin client configuration, clients can be assigned to a particular instance of the AcuConnect service via the <server:port> notation of the acuthin command.