When AcuToWeb displays your program User Interface in the browser, browser capabilities become available. One capability is to execute scripts, like JavaScript. AcuToWeb provides the following two methods to execute JavaScript:
PATH_CUSTOM_JS is a configuration option that enables JavaScript execution as your program UI loads into the browser. See Gateway Configuration Options for more information.
You can include the atw-script control in the COBOL program Screen Section, or by using Display syntax in the Procedure Division. This control ignores all common properties, such as position, visible, title, etc. The control is not visible, meaning it has no position, and the user cannot interact with the control directly.
The COBOL program can Modify the control to execute browser supported scripting such as JavaScript. This control has six special properties, two of which can be inquired. The control has an event, NTF-ATW-EVENT. There is a new AcuToWeb Gateway configuration "path_resources", this variable is used to indicate the path used for return all css and js file requested from COBOL code.
For the syntax below, js1 is defined as the handle for the atw-script control. EVALUATE takes a single string. That script is executed on the browser immediately. For example:
move "document.getElementById(""demo"").innerHTML = ""Paragr - "aph changed."";" to js_str modify js1 evaluate(js_str)
ADD takes two strings - an identifier and a script. This associates the script with that identifier, in order to reference that script later. The script is not immediately executed. For example:
move "function myFunction() {document.getElementById(""demo"" - ").innerHTML = ""Paragraph changed.""; }" to js_str modify js1 add("this-is-my-id", js_str) modify js1 add("chartsJS", "[SRC]:https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.9.3/Chart.js") giving addJSCharts
The prefix [SRC]: means that the client browser looks for resources. In this case, it describes that the content is a URL and the content is not JavaScript.
modify js1 add("myscript", "[SRC]:/resources/js/myscript.js") giving addJSVal
In this case, the file requested is a local file in web folder – the gateway web folder. The resources matches with the PATH defined in path_resources, which is configurable in gateway.conf.
modify js1 add("myfunc", "function f1(msg){ alert(msg); }") giving addJSVal
While this is formally correct syntax, due to the architecture of atw-script, the function f1 won't be reachable from any further CALL statement. The correct format for an inline function, which is a function that is not defined into a script added with the [SRC] sintax, is:
modify js1 add("myfunc", "f1:function (msg){ alert(msg); }") giving addJSVal
Then, call the function as follows:
modify js1 call("myfunc.f1(""hello world"")") giving addJSVal
VARIABLE can be used to get or set variables in the script. Modify this property to set a variable, and inquire this property to get the value of the variable. For example:
move "var price1; var price2; var total; function myFunction( - ") { total = price1 + price2; }" to js_str modify js1 add("another-id", js_str) modify js1 variable("price1", num1) modify js1 variable("price2", num2) modify js1 call("myFunction()") inquire js1 variable("total") in result
CALL takes at least one string – the name of the function to call. If that function takes parameters, you can include them as part of the string you create to modify the CALL parameter. Alternatively, you can specify multiple strings. The extra strings are the parameters passed to the function. For example:
move "function myFunction(name,job) {document.getElementById( - """demo"").innerHTML = ""Welcome "" + name + "", the "" - "+ job + ""."";}" to js_str modify js1 add("this-is-my-id", js_str) modify js1 call("myFunction('Harry Potter','Wizard')") move "Harry Potter" to par1 move "Wizard" to par2 modify js1 call("myFunction()", par1, par2)
Alternative ways to use the CALL property:
Move 1 to var1 Move 2 to var2 Move “test” to var3 Modify js1 call(“myFunction(1, 2, “”test””);”).
Modify js1 call(“myFunction()”, var1, var2, var3).
EVALUATE EVENT-TYPE WHEN NTF-ATW-EVENT EVALUATE event-data-1 WHEN 1 modify js1 CALL("googleMaps") modify js1 add("script2", "[SRC]:/js/myscript2.js")
inquire js1 last-error value in valuefromJS
modify js1 remove ("this-is-my-id")