Our thin client technology is an innovation that enables you to display your ACUCOBOL-GT® graphical server-based application
on graphical display hosts.
The thin client technology is designed for two main purposes:
- To allow ACUCOBOL-GT programs running on a UNIX, Linux, or VMS server to present a full Windows graphical user interface (GUI)
on PCs networked with TCP/IP. The application screens may require conversion to graphical, but your application stays in one
piece on the server.
- To allow you to host your application on a UNIX, Linux, VMS, or Windows server and enjoy the benefits of centralized application
maintenance and to adopt the performance characteristics of a "thin" architecture. Many applications perform better when deployed
in a thin fashion compared to other networking techniques, such as remote file access ("thick clients") or distributed processing.
This is because thin client configurations execute COBOL programs on the server, where data access is local.
The benefits of our thin client technology are plentiful:
- UNIX users can enjoy the best of two worlds: the stability and security of the UNIX world in multi-user environments and the
graphical nature of Microsoft Windows. Previously, UNIX users could use terminal emulation, move their applications to Windows
and add a GUI or split their applications into two or more pieces.
- UNIX applications can use ActiveX controls, Automation Servers (OLE objects), and Windows Help systems on Windows clients.
UNIX users can also interact with .NET assemblies in thin client. An ACUCOBOL-GT screen can include a mix of Win32, ActiveX,
and .NET graphical controls, if desired.
- Users can print locally on their Windows machine or on the remote server. They can also choose whether to perform local or
remote debugging.
- You don't have to separate your application into multiple tiers or deploy any of your application logic on client machines.
- You can usually improve application performance by executing COBOL programs on the server, where data access is local. Server
processing eliminates the need to perform file operations over the network, which can be quite slow when many records are
involved. This reduces network traffic and often improves response time. (The thin client model does perform screen I/O over
the network, but usually at a lesser cost than the file I/O that it replaces.)
- Administration is simplified when an application resides solely on a server. Installation is easier, as are upgrades, distribution,
and management.
- Security is enhanced when an application resides centrally.
- The total cost of ownership for enterprise information systems is reduced. With server-side processing, you remove many client
requirements, providing end users easier, more cost-effective access to information.
- Users and enterprises enjoy increased flexibility with a choice of clients.
- The AcuConnect Thin Client solution can run on any TCP/IP network, including the Internet.
Our thin client solution can work in conjunction with other technologies from the
extend family of solutions. If data will be stored on a separate data server in a three-tier architecture, your thin client solution
can use AcuServer to provide transparent access to that data. If your application requires access to relational databases
like Oracle, Informix, and Sybase, your thin client solution can use Acu4GL or AcuSQL® technologies on the server to provide
automatic data translation. You can migrate your character-based application to ACUCOBOL-GT, display it on Windows hosts,
and when you're ready, convert your screens to a full-featured graphical user interface. You can develop your GUI in Windows
using our integrated development environment, AcuBench®.