The LISTF command in MPE/iX does not display HFS files. You must use the LISTFILE command instead. Hewlett-Packard made this decision to minimize the chances of conflicts between files using HFS syntax and existing uses of LISTF.

Even with MPE/iX commands like LISTFILE, you will not be able to see all of the ACUCOBOL-GT files unless you give the commands to look for HFS files. For example:


shows only files that conform to standard MPE notation. Instead, use the following command:


to show MPE files and HFS files. The prefix of "./" allows MPE/iX to use HFS notation so the program looks for MPE and HFS files in the current directory.

You may also use a wildcard (such as "@", "?", or "#") to reference HFS files, or a leading slash ("/") character to look for MPE and HFS files in a location that starts from the root. For example, if you are in the PUB.ACUCOBOL group and want to move to the ACUCOBOL-GT "bin" directory and list a file called "ccbl", you would type:



:CHDIR ../bin
:LISTFILE ./ccbl

The ".." prefix specifies the directory above the current working directory (the parent directory of the current working directory). For example, if you are in the PUB.ACUCOBOL group:


is equivalent to:


When purging or manipulating files it is important that you do not confuse HFS file extensions with MPE/iX groups or accounts. For example:


is an HFS filename with a file extension of ".acu". This should not be confused with:


which could be an MPE/iX group called "PROGRAM" in an account called "ACU".