Changing the Configuration and Clearing Watermarks

Clearing the watermarks might have a significant impact on the next synchronization runtime, because the synchronization is checked and, if required, executed once again for all files. If the file content is identical in Endevor and AccuRev, then no new element revision is created in AccuRev during the next synchronization iteration. If metadata has changed then these metadata are synchronized to AccuRev, even if the file content has not changed.

Some configuration changes may have an impact on the file content, on the path or on the metadata stored in AccuRev.

As a general rule Enterprise Sync will only interpret the changed configuration fields for new synchronized files, which means that you have to clear the watermarks to assure that a configuration change has an impact on all already synchronized files.

Endevor Data Source

Configuration Change
Session code page changed
Clear the watermarks to assure that all files with different content caused by the code page change are synchronized correctly to AccuRev.
Code page file changed

Clear the watermarks to assure that all files with different content caused by the code page change are synchronized correctly to AccuRev.

As an alternative purge the corresponding folders, because only specific Endevor Types are affected by this change. Enterprise Sync will recreate the folders with the latest Endevor version, but the AccuRev history is not available anymore when using this alternative.

Extension file changes

It's recommended to clear the watermarks to assure that all AccuRev elements with an old file extension are recreated and the corresponding metadata are updated correctly.

Note: Synchronized AccuRev elements with old extensions are purged after restarting the synchronization process.

The elements with old extensions are even purged if you don't clear the watermarks, because Enterprise Sync will purge all AccuRev files which are not mapped to Endevor elements.

Include subsystem in path
You should avoid changing this field value because Enterprise Sync would purge the complete stream content and recreate the elements in the new path, even if you don't clear the watermarks.
Local path value mapping file

You should avoid changing existing entries in this file because Enterprise Sync would purge the corresponding stream content and recreate the elements in the new paths, even if you don't clear the watermarks.

Of course it is never an issue to add additional mappings to this file, for example after defining new connection projects.

Mainframe node, port and server name

You can change these values as long as the mainframe connection points to the same Endevor repository. This change does not have an impact on synchronized AccuRev elements.

There are some AccuRev stream properties containing these values which are updated automatically by Enterprise Sync.

It is not necessary to clear the watermarks.

Mainframe userid and password
You can change these values. It does not have an impact on synchronized AccuRev elements.
Read-only element types
If you change the list of the read-only element types this has a direct impact on new synchronized AccuRev elements. To assure that all already synchronized files have the correct read-only flag associated you will have to clear the watermarks.

AccuRev Data Source

Configuration Change
Depot name

Clear the watermarks to assure that a new clean initial synchronization is done into the new depot.

The depot has to be prepared to support the connection project targets (streams).

AccuRev server and port

As long as the new connection points to the same AccuRev database, this change does not have an impact on synchronized AccuRev elements. There are some AccuRev stream properties containing these values which are updated automatically by Enterprise Sync. It is not necessary to clear the watermarks.

If the connection points to a new AccuRev database clear the watermarks to assure that a new clean initial synchronization is done into the new database. The depot has to be prepared to support the connection project targets (streams).

Exclude list

If you delete entries from the exclude list, but these entries are pointing to existing paths in AccuRev which are not mapped to logical paths in Endevor, then Enterprise Sync would purge the corresponding folders and files.

It is not necessary to clear the watermarks.

All Change Package related fields

You can change these values. Such a change does not have an impact on already synchronized AccuRev elements, it only has an impact on the future Change Package processing.

It is not necessary to clear the watermarks.

Full path to AccuRev executables
You can change this value, if required. It does not have an impact on synchronized AccuRev elements.
AccuRev user name and password

You can change these values, but you have to make sure that a new user name is also updated in the AccuRev server configuration file.

This change does not have an impact on synchronized AccuRev elements.


Configuration Change
Deleting, enabling, disabling a project
This change does not have an impact on already synchronized AccuRev elements.
Adding a project
Adding and enabling a new project to a connection will be processed in the next iteration. It is not necessary to clear the watermarks.
Changing a project

You should avoid changing an enabled project with already synchronized elements. If you still want to change an existing project you have to clear the watermarks as well before restarting the synchronization process.

Depending on your change this could lead to purged folders in AccuRev.

Instead of changing and project we recommend to delete or disable the project and to add a new project. By doing this it is not required to clear the watermarks.