Installing the Trigger Supporting the On Demand Sync

The trigger contains a sample which triggers the on demand synchronization process if a user promotes files to a gated stream and the target stream is configured for synchronization from AccuRev to Endevor. It's required to install this trigger, otherwise it is neither possible to synchronize files from AccuRev to Endevor with the mainframe authorization of the promote user nor an on demand synchronization process is supported when promoting to the gated stream.

  1. Edit the file in the temporary folder, navigate to Windows configuration and make the following customizations:
    1. Verify and, if necessary customize the path to the AccuRev executable:
      $::AccuRev = "C:\\progra~1\\accurev\\bin\\accurev.exe";
    2. Verify and, if necessary customize the homepath, which must point to the previously defined triggeruser folder.
    3. If you have changed the default authenticator credentials which are installed with Enterprise Sync, then you have to customize the login user and password for Enterprise Sync.
    4. Verify and, if necessary customize the directory where the trigger logs will be created. We recommend using the existing site_slice\logs directory in the path where the AccuRev database is installed, therefore by installation default:
      my $triggerLogDirectory = "C:\\progra~1\\AccuRev\\storage\\site_slice\\logs";
    5. Verify and, if necessary customize the location where the trigger jar file is located, by installation default:
      my $triggerJar = "C:\\progra~1\\accurev\\bin\\mfcTriggers-2.2.0-all.jar";
      Note: You have to use Windows short names, if a folder contains spaces. Verify the names using DIR /X on the command prompt.
  2. Save the Perl script and copy this trigger from the temporary folder to the site_slice\triggers , by installation default: C:\Program Files\AccuRev\storage\site_slice\triggers. Create the triggers folder first, if it doesn't exist.
  3. Enter the following commands in the command window:
    cd C:\Progra Files\AccuRev\storage\site_slice\triggers
    perl -wc
    Note: The last command verifies that the syntax of the Perl script. You should receive the message syntax OK.
  4. Verify that a bat file server_master_trig.bat has been generated in the triggers folder.
    Note: The existence of the bat file is sufficient to activate this master trigger. You would have to change the file name (not the suffix!) if you want to deactivate this trigger.