The trigger contains a sample which triggers the on demand synchronization process if a user promotes files to a gated stream and the target stream is configured for synchronization from AccuRev to Endevor. It's required to install this trigger, otherwise it is neither possible to synchronize files from AccuRev to Endevor with the mainframe authorization of the promote user nor an on demand synchronization process is supported when promoting to the gated stream.
$::AccuRev = "C:\\progra~1\\accurev\\bin\\accurev.exe";
my $triggerLogDirectory = "C:\\progra~1\\AccuRev\\storage\\site_slice\\logs";
my $triggerJar = "C:\\progra~1\\accurev\\bin\\mfcTriggers-2.2.0-all.jar";
cd C:\Progra Files\AccuRev\storage\site_slice\triggers
perl -wc