Run-time System Files to Ship

Note: The following applies to native COBOL only.

We recommend that you ship the whole of Enterprise Server with your application. However to provide backward compatibility, you can still select and ship specific files.

If you require support for: Single-threading files needed: Files needed:
CBL_EXEC_RUN_UNIT (graphical user interface applications) cblxecws.exe cblxecwm.exe
CBL_EXEC_RUN_UNIT (character user interface applications) cblexecs.exe cblexecm.exe
Character user interfaces (for true console applications only) cblvios.dll cblviom.dll
Character user interfaces (for applications that use the default COBOL text window) cbldwins.dll cbldwinm.dll
Enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY syntax (ADIS) adis.dll adis.dll
File handling or enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY syntax (ADIS) or OO persistence mffh.dll mffh.dll
Print support module cblprnt.dll cblprnt.dll

Other run-time support files that you might need to ship depending on the functionality that your application uses are as follows:

If your application uses: Files needed:
Command-line Sort
  • mfsort.exe


  • CCISMEM protocol
  • TCP/IP protocol
  • TCP2 registration


  • ccismem.dll
  • ccitcp.dll
  • ccitcp2.exe
Client/server binding
  • fs.dll (server)
  • fs.exe (server trigger)
  • fsservice.exe (to run as an NT service)
  • fsclose.exe (server closedown support)
  • fsmgr.dll (manager API support)
Host Compatibility Option
  • mfhcolib.lib (when using the DB2 ECM compiler)
  • mfsqlsmf.dll

Micro Focus run trigger program:

  • trigger (console application)
  • trigger (GUI application)
  • single-threaded trigger
  • single-threaded trigger (Windows)


  • run.exe, and runm.exe
  • runw.exe, and runmw.exe
  • runs.exe
  • runsw.exe
  • run.cfg
  • shell.dll
Note: run.cfg must be placed in a sub-directory named etc; it is an internal file, and must not be edited manually.
Microsoft Transaction Server
  • objectcontext.dll
  • drivers obtained separately, and
  • odbcrw32.dll
OUTDD directive or DBCS CODESET support
  • cblutil.dll
Rebuild facility (command-line file recovery tool)
  • rebuild.exe
  • the language files in the relevant lang subfolders. These files need to be available, and the COBDIR environment variable needs to point to the directory containing them
  • csqlsupp.dll (Cobsql)
  • odbcrw32.dll or odbcrw64.dll (OpenESQL)
  • oesqlebc.dll (OpenESQL with EBCDIC data)
  • ODBC drivers obtained separately
  • mfsqlsmf.dll
  • antlr4-runtime32.dll (OpenESQL)
  • antlr4-runtime64.dll (OpenESQL)
Web Services support
  • gk-os.dll
  • gk-utility.dll
  • mclient.dll
  • mfclsoap.dll
  • mfidmap.dll
  • nxwscrun.dll
  • xerces-c_2_1_0.dll