Viewing Merged Archived Spool Through ESCWA

ESCWA offers support for viewing the merged archived spool. The following steps show you how to archive the spools in your regions, and how to merge these and view them from another region:

  1. In ESCWA, specify the same value for the environment variable MF_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_LOC for each region. You specify the variable in the [ES-Environment] block in the region's Additional section on the General Properties page.
  2. Restart the region(s).
  3. Submit the archiving JCL from each one of these regions - see MVSSPLHK Spool Housekeeping Process in your product Help.
  4. Submit the merging archive JCL from a JES region from which you want to see the merged archived spool - see Running the Process to Merge Archived Spool Files in your product Help.
    • MERGE LOC is to be used in as path in the next step.
  5. In the JES region, specify the Merged Spool Filepath in the Advanced region properties page - click General > Advanced to access the page.
  6. Start the region that you want to use to view the merged archived spool.
  7. Browse to the JES > Spool region page to view the spools.
  8. To only view the merged spools, click List, and then Filter.
  9. In the Filter pane, check Merged Spool, specify any other parameters, and click Apply.