Micro Focus recommends using a datastore database to store system-critical files to improve the availability of this data:
Note: Micro Focus recommends that you store catalog, user catalogs, spool files (spljob, spldsn, splmsg, spljno), and CICS resource definition
files in the datastore.
Attention: Any Field Developed Solution (FDS) or scripts that directly access these files needs to be modified for the new URI and utilities
to load and unload files. The potential impact on access latency can be mitigated by concurrent/parallel access.
A datastore can be created to store user files in the RDBMS, providing support for:
- Transactional and non-transactional files.
- VSAM, sequential, and line sequential files.
- Improved availability of data.
- Improved scaling for transactional files.
Micro Focus recommends that you move all VSAM or transactional files that are critical to the availability of the system to a datastore.