DBFH00000 - DBFH00019
DBFH00001I Created database 'database-name'
The named database has been created.
DBFH00002W Service Broker is not enabled for database 'database-name'
SQL Server Service Broker is not enabled for the named database.
DBFH00003S An error occurred while setting up the cross-region database: exception-message
A serious error occurred while attempting to create or access the cross-region database.
DBFH00004I Cold start of region 'region-database-name' starting
Indicating that a region database is being prepared by a region cold start.
DBFH00005I database-vendor-name instance created using 'database-version'
Indicating which version of SQL Server the region database was created with.
DBFH00006I Using datasource 'database-datasource'
Indicating the name of the SQL Server instance being used to host the region database.
DBFH00007I Using database 'region-database-name'
Indicating the name of the region database.
DBFH00008I Successfully cold started region 'region-database-name'
Indicating the the region has been successfully cold started.
DBFH00009S An error occurred while cold starting the 'region-database-name' region: exception-message
A serious error occurred while attempting to create or access the region database.
DBFH00010S An error occurred while warm starting the 'region-database-name' region: exception-message
A serious error occurred while attempting to create or access the region database.
DBFH00011I Shutdown of region 'region-database-name' starting
Indicating that a region database is being shut down.
DBFH00012I Successfully shutdown region 'region-database-name'
Indicating that a region database is being shut down.
DBFH00013S An error occurred while shutting down the 'region-database-name' region: exception-message
A serious error occurred while attempting to access the region database.
DBFH00014I Warm start of region 'region-database-name' starting
Indicating that a region database is being prepared by a region warm start.
DBFH00015I Successfully warm started region 'region-database-name'
Indicating the the region has been successfully warm started.
DBFH00016S An error occurred while parsing 'configuration-file-name' (line line-number, column column-number): exception-message
A serious error occurred while attempting to parse the XML file.
DBFH00017W An XA connection has not been registered to allow I/O operations for 'file-url' to occur
Indicating that an XA connection has not been registered for a recoverable file that has been opened.
DBFH00018I Using configuration file: 'configuration-file-name'
Indicating the name of the configuration file being used.
DBFH00019I Using SQL script file folder: 'script-file-folder-name'
Indicating the name of the configuration file being used.
Parent topic:
DBFH - MFDBFH General Messages