- The Fileshare Server encountered an error when starting up, for example an error was found in a configuration, database reference
or password file. Alternatively the communications support could not be started.
- The user has requested to shut down the Fileshare Server (either by the Esc key sequence or a remote request from FSView or FSMgr)
- The Fileshare Server has encountered an unrecoverable error during its operation. For example, the remaining disk space where
the rollforward recovery log file resides is below the acceptable limits for logging to continue.
- The Fileshare Server process was terminated by an event external to the Fileshare Server
The Fileshare Server is closing all outstanding connections with Fileshare Clients, rolling back any outstanding transactions,
closing all open files and shutting down the communication support.
Depending on the communications protocol that is in use, the Fileshare Client applications may appear to suspend if they are
still trying to send requests to this Fileshare Server.
No action is required