COBRT252 Memory corruption detected (Fatal)

The run-time system has detected a memory corruption in a block of memory that it had previously allocated.

Additional information on the type of memory and determined reason for corruption is also appended to the error message; for example:

addr=12345678, type=53, stomp=6 <run-in data>

Where addr is the memory address, type is the type of memory, and stomp is the stomp type. For a full list of meanings for memory type and stomp type, refer to the MEMORY section of mf.rts.Component Properties.


You need to isolate the actual point in execution where the memory corruption occurs to investigate the cause. To do this you could:

  • Run with a memory strategy that indicates that memory is to be validated each time an allocation or free operation occurs; see the memory_strategy and memory_free_check_size tunables.
    Note: This will have a major effect on performance.
  • Add calls to CBL_MEM_VALIDATE() at appropriate points in the application