To be able to purge a TS Queue from ESMAC, you need to have a CZTS entry in the TCICSTRN resource in the LDAP repository and the user must have at least READ access rights.
To create an entry in the LDAP repository, you need to add some code in the LDF file similar to the following:
################### ###### PCT : CZTS # ################### dn: CN=CZTS,CN=TCICSTRN,CN=Enterprise Server Resources,CN=Micro Focus,CN=Program Data,DC=X changetype: add objectClass: microfocus-MFDS-Resource microfocus-MFDS-Resource-Class: TCICSTRN microfocus-MFDS-Resource-ACE: allow:ALLUSER group:read microfocus-MFDS-Resource-ACE: deny:*:execute microfocus-MFDS-UID: mfuid description: TSQ purge transaction ################### ###### PCT : CZTD # ################### dn: CN=CZTD,CN=TCICSTRN,CN=Enterprise Server Resources,CN=Micro Focus,CN=Program Data,DC=X changetype: add objectClass: microfocus-MFDS-Resource microfocus-MFDS-Resource-Class: TCICSTRN microfocus-MFDS-Resource-ACE: allow:ALLUSER group:read microfocus-MFDS-Resource-ACE: deny:*:execute microfocus-MFDS-UID: mfuid description: TDQ purge transaction