This section explains the process and information flows when a user starts a 3270 terminal emulator from the
Enterprise Developer IDE.
Figure 1. The autoinstall process
- The autoinstall process receives information from the terminal installation parameters.
- The autoinstall process builds a list of models (from resource definitions in the terminal control table), with screen sizes
compatible with the physical terminal.
- The autoinstall process calls the ACP, supplying it with the following information:
- The list of autoinstall model names
- The physical screen size
- The netname
- A suggested terminal ID (last four characters of the netname)
- Whether or not UCTRAN was set
- The ACP returns the parameters that CICS support needs to create a terminal control table entry dynamically. These are:
- Terminal ID
- Terminal model name
The ACP also supplies the name of a printer and alternate printer to be associated with the terminal.
- CICS support dynamically creates a terminal control table entry, using the returned parameters and the terminal model definition.